A carbon filter for a PC Grow?


Well-Known Member
Ok so ive been asking a bunch of questions here and my last concern is smell. Is there a DIY carbon filter for a pc case grow? Im worried about the smell now if im going to have the computer in my room, although i heard with an intake and exhaust fan it wont smell but i would think it depends on the strain. Any input about if it smells with an intake and exhaust fan or if i should have a scrubber on there would be helpful. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
You can make a small carbon filter with pencil cups (one large, one medium). I don't know where the link is, but it should be good for a small PC case grow.


Well-Known Member
Ya i saw that but it looked like it sticks out the back pretty far which may look a little wierd


Well-Known Member
Maybe there is a way i can put the filter inside. I'll post some pictures of what i come up with. How well do these filters work?


Well-Known Member
still curious how well they work if i had the exhuast fan blowing through one of these first