5 weeks 12/12 no sign of flowering


Well-Known Member
So my mentoree, who doesnt want an over the shoulder mentoring called to say they have been 5 weeks in 12 /12 and it doesnt look right...i went and took a peak, could not get a pic...its still vegging! Not a single tiny flower, nothing maybe a late veg preflower. Their first round was succesful, low yeild but nice formation..


Either a bluberry or cheese clone of my girls.
In 2x4 grow ace tent
400w hps
Coco in fabric pot 3 or 4 gallon
GH flora nova flower at nute company recomended llevels (against my advice)
Fed twice daily- no overwater symtoms as its coco in fabric.
Timer is set to 12/12
Temps abit warm, low 80s
Rh in 40s

Plant is short and looks bonsai tree like, big thing stem, prob solid inch diamerter plus but all branches very woody and purple and definetly a fair amount of nute burn. But shes solidly a vegging girl... i climbed in tent n got zipped in, foumd a small light leak, but problem w that theory is its in 100% dark room when its lights off. They are insistent they see light come on right time in am and go off right too.

Heres my prescription, please critique or add to:

Overfed to hell! Immediate back down to 1/4 strenghth nutes with lots of runoff to begin with.quite sure overnuting has contibuted to the purple stems and obviously to the burn with full strenghth and twice a day. My coco is auto watered 12 times a day and loves it but i use very "weak" nute mix..

Turn lights off for 36 then 10/14 till active in flower.

If cant get temp down for a bit increase rh to lower the high heat low rh stress...

Can overnuting, thus shit tons of N, even w a flower blend fed that much 100% stop flowering - i know its not good for flowers but can it completly prevent after 5 weeks of flower?

New timer just to be safe if its not working perfect...

Any other input ?
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Well-Known Member
Hey huckster,

If a new timer has been implemented, and the plants are generally healthy.
Maybe a day or two of darkness might kick start flower a little?
I havnt had this issue before though. So I can't say whether it'll work or not.

Strange occurrences these ones. Probably something with the old timer as you suggested.

I'm all out of ideas, I'm sure someone else can help.

Just comes to mind, there was a member here a while ago, who had grown a few smaller plants the first time.
Then 1 big plant the second time. Lights, air, medium etc, etc. Everything the same.
Anyway to cut a long story short, the plant was suffocating. Plants were at 8 weeks 12/12. Barely any flower.
Added more air extraction, because it was passive intake, and WHAM. Full on flower within days
The poor exchange seemed to delay flower entirely. The end results ended up being rather OK.
I doubt this is your mates problem. But just thought I'd give it a mention.



Well-Known Member
I too am out of ideas besides those few, iv never had such issue myself or anything close. I guess I thought u cud do about everything wrong and 12/12 wud flower ya- even if not well- something.

I’m unsure if the plants gunna do well as rough as it looks but I’ve learned these girls r tuff so I won’t give up on her- besides wud like to find root cause before just giving em another clone and have a fresh healthy plant do same thing...

I’ll double check but I think they have a 4” fan on extraction 24/7...