2 wk cycle?


Well-Known Member
One of my Dudes has a grow setup and he gets a harvest every other weekend. im getting ready to build my grow room and i was wondering what kind of equipment should i get if i want a harvest everyother weekend. the dude is really quite bout his grow op and he wont tell me much about it. it took awile just 4 him to admit that he was growing lol. i knew he was just cuz noone around where i live gets bud that good or that often. he slipped up one night and said sumin bout him growing so i asked him bout it and he was tryin to cover his ass and all but i done knew he was so i told him that it was cool i wouldnt tell neone that he was growin and that i was goiung to start growing but wenever i asked how he gets his his harvest every 2 wks he changes the subject. neone know about getting a harvest every other weekend


Active Member
You are talking about a SOG (see of green)
Depends on what strain you are growing. Some strains mature faster than others. Once you figure out the strain and time... you need to do math... ok.. I am using... (whatever strain) I want to veg it for x amount of weeks ( somewhere in the 3-4 week range using aeroponics)
Then you need to be able to move that veg cycle into a seperate grow box/room for the flowering cycle. Depending on your strain, it will mature in somewhere from 6-10 weeks in flowering.

Now... where the math comes into play is when you grow mothers... and clone off of them you want to be able to have enough mothers to keep taking clones off of every two weeks. Meaning...
week 1 - clone and wait for roots...
week 2... wait for roots if you still dont have them... on the ones you do have roots.. move them into the vegging room. After two weeks, if you dont have roots on certain clones... chances are you are not going to get them. (just my experience) Lets say for all purposes to make this posting easier... you got roots on all of them and that they are all in the vegg cycle now.
week 3 you should have no clones and all of your previous clones in the vegg cycle. Take new clones.... and wait for roots. Maintain the plants that are in the vegg cycle.
week four you should have roots on your new clones - move them into the vegg cycle. At this point in time, if the plants that were in the vegg cycle are big and strong enough, move them into the flowering box/room or you can let them keep growing for another week if you want.
week 5 move the first batch of plants from the vegg into the flowering area/box/room if you have not done so already.
week 6 take new clones and wait for roots

You keep doing this same process - taking clones every two weeks.... moving them into vegging stage and moving a batch of the plants from the vegging stage into the flowering stage.
What you need to figure out now is how long does it take for the flowering process to complete. If you have a strand that is a 6 week cycle... (we will use that for example) you need to have the plants in the flowering area/box/room for at least six weeks. (just because the description on the seeds may say 6 weeks... doesnt mean that it is a definate time table.

Ok... so if you have a strain that flowers and is ready in 6 weeks... (what we are going to use for example) every two weeks take clones.... and about a week later move the clones into the vegging area - Every two weeks move the oldest and biggest vegging plants into the flowering cycle. Keep repeating this until the plants are fully done in the flowering area.

Lets say you are going to do a batch of 25 plants at a time.
Week 1 - Take 25 clones ( I usually take a few more than what I need) so maybe take like 30 clones This batch will be known as "A"
Week 2 - 25 clones have roots... move "A" Batch into the vegging box.
Week 3 - take 25 clones This batch is known as "B"
Week 4 - 25 clones have roots... move batch "B" into the vegging box --- you now should have 50 plants in your vegging box/area/room Batch A and B
Week 5 - Take 25 clones Batch "C"
Week 6 - Move Batch "A" from the vegging box into the flowering box - move batch "C" 25 clones that have roots into the vegging box. You should now have Batch "A" in flowering -batch "B and C" in the vegging.

Keep repeating this same process until the first batch of plants Batch "A" is ready for harvest. At harvest time, Batches B,C,D should be in the flowering area and batch E.F should be in the vegging area with new clones (batch "G") rooting.

Keep following this same process. every two weeks.

As for what you need... figure out if you are going to grow in soil or media or if you are going to use hydro/aeroponics. Hydro/aero will grow faster plants but, you can screw up and loose all of them real easily. I am familiar with aero myself.
If you go with a aero/hydro system, you need to buy or build systems for them with enough room to do exactly what I said every two weeks.

You will also need three different types of lights.... flourescent for the clones... AN Hid (I reccomend a MH for vegging but you can also use an HPS) and then another HID for flowering (HPS only not MH)
Metal Halide (MH) are high in the blue green white spectrum that induces vegg growth. High Pressure Sodium (HPS) induces flowering and is high in the orange red spectrum.
Plenty of fans for moving air in and out of the grow areas... and if you are going to do this, you really need to have a carbon scrubber to remove the smell in the air. If you do go wtih the hid lamps, you really want to invest in light reflectors that can be ported (you can cool them with air) You will then need an inline fan to push air through them and flexible ducting to push the hot air out of the grow room.

This is all a description of how it SHOULD be done.... and it will cost a few bucks to get it up and going. I am a mechanical Engineer and can help you with ways to design things and where to get them all for much cheapier than everything being bought as a kit or off of a website. How big you want to go is your choice.

Contact me anytime for help.



Well-Known Member
ok that how i thought it was done but i wasnt for sure. if i go hydro about how much would i spend on nutes(average) for one cycle. clone to harvest. i have 500 bones to get me started and im gettin a HPS/MH light rite off the bat and wat ever i got left im using for soild lights and all the other shit i will need. i got fluros already for the clones and pots and such so will 500 be ebough? im thinking of doing that just on a smaller scale like 10 clones at a time instead of 25 at least just to get started. do u know wat strains are really good for SOG? thanks for all the help btw.



Active Member
500 clams will do ya just fine for hydro. I personally use the General Hydro brand Flora line. (flora grow, micro and bloom) If you are into the organic end of things, you would have to ask someone else. Im not into organic... and see more benefits using manufactured nutes like the above mentioned gh flora series. I also use the following products in addition to the flora series... aqua shield (has bacteria in it to help root growth - Bacteria is basillis - not sure on the spelling of that) I use Thrive alive B1 RED - not green and I have calmag and nitrex on the side incase they are needed. You really dont have to have all of these.. I started using ones and kept adding until I came up with a mix that I liked. The Flora series pretty much does it all though.
Where to get them from.... Well.. I like using midwesthydroponics.com - however, I often find a LOT of nutes cheapier on ebay. Infact, I just bought a set of the flora series (all three) in quarts for much less than what other people wanted on their sites.
Other things to think of are you are going to need a good ph meter.... stay away from the chemical test ones.... I have one and use it only for back up. I got my ph meter on ebay (Im a big ebayer) and only paid I think total 11 dollars. Try looking at pet stores that have fish supplies (salt water fish supplies) and you will find things to use there.
What kind of water are you planning to use? If you use tap water you need to have it sit out 24 hours first. I personally have hard water and invested into a reverse osmosis system (again on ebay... was way cheapier than anywhere else) Now I dont have to worry about any chemcials at all.
Get a ph lowering and raising kit also. You will probably only use the ph lowering.... Ive had the same bottle of ph raising for a year now - I just never use it. I only use the ph down. Look on ebay for this also... I just got 2lbs of dry ph down for 14 clams. Ill lower the ph in my res so that when I feed the rest of my system... its alreay where I want it.

Total... seriously.... probably 60 bucks for a quart 3pack of each for the gh flora series.. (will be less if you go with a smaller size) Midwest hydro has a good 3 pack deal for a pint of each but you can also look on ebay. Midwest wants I think 25 plus shipping for the 3pack pint. Aqua shield is only like 13 bucks... thrive alive I bought on ebay. A guy named quail mountain ranch (business - owners name is Bud) has good prices. I dont remember what I paid but it was for a quart. guessing it was 30ish total.
Expect to spend 100 on nutes... and that "should" last you enough to get a harvest. If not, the only essential one to replace if you need to get more is the three part series.
Be smart when you shop for nutes. Mark ups are HUGE and usually the best deals are found at companies that do not have store fronts. This is why I use ebay a lot.

If you are going to build a hydro system... let me know. I can walk you through a diy build. You can get excellent prices on parts if you know where to look. If you have access to certain tools... you can build it for even cheapier. (no rare tools.. rarest thing would be a tapping set... can get them from harborfreight for like 10 bucks)
Hydro is a little harder to get the hang of... but seriously... the benefits from it are awesome. I've had clones go from two inches high.. to 2.5 feet in three weeks. - and YES that is true not exaggerated. Leaves on on these plants were larger than your hand.

Lights... you said you are getting a mh/hps lights are you getting both or just one? if you wnt to do a sog you really need at least two lights. You cant really seperate the plants every 12 hours. This is why you need two lights. One to be on 24hours a day and one to be on 12 hours a day.

As for seeds...thats up to you. I imagine you are looking for all of this info to grow so that you can sell it. Go with a good strain of seeds. Seed banks are all over the place on the net. Nirvana is one that is highly reccomended... and my personal favorite is amsterdamseedbank - or something like that. I cant remember the exact website for them. For some reason they have never been reviewed on roll it up. I NEVER had any issues with them... and they are fast shipping. As of right now you also get 20 free seeds (their choice) when you buy ten. Thats better than anyone else I know of.
As for strains.... well white widow is good and potent. You can get that strain from almost any seed bank. (although, through personal research... amsterdam seed bank was the first to ever have ww. - they get it from the origional breeder.... hence probably the best strain of it out there) You will pay more at amsterdam though. It will show though in the quality with their seeds. Nirvana is cheapier... but thats all I can really say about them. I am currently waiting on a shipmnet from them just to try. I never used them before.
Another good strain is Deisel.... and train wreck. Train wreck is popular in hawaii. It really all depends on what you want to spend on seeds. You can seriously spend anything from 30 bucks to 300 bucks just for seeds. It is not necessarily the more you spend.. the better but often that is true. You also want to read up on all seed strains. You need to read to see if they say what the flowering schedule is etc. Stay away from auto flowering (if you are doing the sog)

Need any more help... just ask.


Well-Known Member
Im going to be using tap water that im going have sit for a couple of days and im going to ph the water. i dont really have anyother choice and i will prob get the RO system farther down the line cuz that 500 bones is for everything and i dont know where im going to be growing it yet as i dont have a house yet. im just planning ahead and trying to figure out how much work and money its going to take to get this running. i might have to make my own room to grow in, kinda like the one jorge made in his first dvd(if youve seen it).
so that would mean that i would have to buy the wood and platic to make it. as for the lights if i can find one cheap enough i am going to get 2, one MH and one HPS. Im still deciding on the seeds, rite now im going from a couple of sites and comparing the prices and i want a strain that has a short flowering cycle just to start off then im going to go back and get several dif. strains and try them out. i dont think i will b able to use ebay cuz i dont have a credit card or a paypal or nething like that. all the things im getting is by money order or from the hydro store. i am making my own hydro system if i choose hydro... im a lil iffy just cuz i really wanted to go organic(i dont trust synthetics). if i choose hydro(im leaning towards it) what kind of hydro system should i go for?


Active Member
First... you have to see if your local water is well.. or city (pipe) water. If it is city water.... make sure they DONT use chloramines. Cholrine will evap out of water in 24 hours... chloramines will NEVER evap.

What wattage do you want your lights to be? I can head you in the right direction if I know... I have lots and lots of companies to reccomend... but need a better clue as to what you need.

You can still go organic with hydro if you want. Just have to get organic nutes. I reccomend aeroponic systems to everyone. They are tried and true. They are what nasa uses etc. You can also build them for fairly cheap. I can do some diy step by step plans for you if you want. As far as sprayers for an aero... I can help you out there. I buy them wholesale and list them on ebay. Check them out if you want... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=260492806941&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT I can do a sale outside of ebay via money order etc... dont like doing that but I can make an exception to help you out. I use these myself in my garden... and they are the best easiest to set up and use. All you need is pvc pipe... (pvc glue and elbows and caps. I hated to write all of that because it sounds like Im only writing to you to try and sell you something - which I am not but hey.. someone needs some help.. I do what I can. Aeros give the perfect amount of spray and oxy. You really should get a good timer for them... you can buy one of those from a company called quail mountain ranch. I believe he will take a money order.

Pick out a good sized rubbermaid bin to use... stick with Rubbermaid also... cheapier bins can possibly leach chemicals into the water that can damage the plants. Use that as a base and work up from there... meaning how much pvc to get... its really cheap... how many elbows and t's and how many caps. Total to build your set up shouldnt be much. Only thing to think of is that you need a water pump to push enough water out the sprayers.... I don't know where you are so I don't really know where you can get a good pump from. Dont buy one from a hydro store if you can manage. They run the prices up really high. Check in a pet or fish supply store. I can get pumps from a nearby pet store for dirt cheap - and usually they are higher quality than what you get from hydro stores. I think the last one I bought was 764 gph and it was like 34 bucks. That is way more than what you probably will need. I am guessing that you will want something in the 300=400 range (if that). It all depends on how many sprayers you have.

Figure out your bin size first and let me know. Ill help you out from there.


Well-Known Member
ok so areoponics is with the sprayers? i was thinking areo was where you had the plants grown above the bucket and then u have water in the bucket with airstones in it... what is this hydro called?


Active Member
that is called deep water culture or bubble ponics. Don't know how well this works... I know that roots need a good supply of air... air is very important I have seen some pics of bubble ponics on the net but, I dunno... Im set up with aero - and thats what supposedly works the best, strongest and fastest.


Well-Known Member
wen growing with hydro do u start out with nutes in the water? do u have to water the plant til the roots get long enough to come out the bottom? ive grown in soil a couple times but im new with hydro. im wanting to go wit hydro cuz its quicker. how much did u spend building ur aero setup? i got plans for DWC and it will only cost me about 100 for everything i need 4 it. im pretty sure im going to grow northern lights, black jack and some kind of sativa i havnt made up my mind on wat sativa i want


Well-Known Member
i read some posts and been doing sum research on the aeroponics and im convinced that this is prob the best route. im trying to add up all the prices now and im going to start buying within the next 3 wks (waiting on a check still lol). what kind of strains r u growing and what are your yeilds? im going to try to get a paypal account and ebay account set up to save money. My neighborhood and the towns and citys near by are nearly bone dry and what you can get is ok reg that ppl are selling as "dro" and charging 20+ a gram and the homegrown my friend gets every 2 wks is gone b4 the end of the day cuz everyone buys the fuck out of it. im wanting to grow enough for personal use and small sales to my close friends, i hate seeing all these ppl getting ripped off just cuz they cant find ne other bud and it puts some collage money in my pocket ;).


Active Member
Well aeroponics is really the best way to go. Its tried and true. As far as my strains, I have bid bud, white widow, ligh of jah, wonder women, white rino,white queen and a few others. As far as my yeilds go... I never tell that to anyone. (personal reasons)
If you want a good higher producing plant... go with big bud. Its easy to grow, yields are large and is great for growing indoors.

Sorry I missed your other post.. I have been dealing with the oink oink flu. NO nutes for cuttings... you can use just water... or water and a rooting hormone. I use power clone. Its really the best on the market. Remember when you are using a aero system, no rooting powders or gels will work. You will litterally wash them all off. You must use a liquid cloner - and even when you use this, I make mine less potent.
As the roots grow down through the net pots, they get sprayed by the misters - and you do not need to water the plants before hand.
Hope this helps