2 seeds [light bulb question]


Active Member
what kind of light bulb shuld i get to grow 2 plants it shuldnt need one with much watts shuld it??
list what kind of light bulb i should get plz
something thats a little cheap too or affortable


Well-Known Member
Get a CFL some thing thats "dayLight" 6400K
as for how many watts you need. That depends on how many square feet your growing in. I use 50 watts a square foot. some people use more some use less.


Well-Known Member
cfls are a pretty good, and rather cheap way to light, one thing tho you should switch from the 6400K to i think its 2600 or 2700K for flowering. as far as how many watts per foot squared that depends on how big/well you want your plants to grow. most people suggest 100W per square foot, or something like 3 or 4000 lumens per plant, i cant remember how many lumens exactly... im somewhere between 40and 50w of cfls per square foot thats like 3400 lumens per square foot/plant.


Active Member
How many would i need ? probably like 2 clfs? if i wanted grow them in some sort of small box with relection paper in it for the light?

Resident Kush

Well-Known Member
if your planning on flowering under the same light, disregard the cfl's, and get an hps system at least 250w. cfl's are ok for seedlings and clippings, but thats about it.


Well-Known Member
does any 1 know british prices for cfls am on my first grow usin a 40 watt house bulb