can he really do this?....

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Well-Known Member
First Post: I am actually a Closet Grower and live in my moms basement!!

Edited by SC..

Second post= Bragging about how wonderful Sub is

Third Post: My Dick is 2" long.

Edited by SC

Post 4: In Fact my buds are Much larger than my Pecker!

Edited by SC

Looks like you were talking shit about Sub to another guy who Was talking With respect for him.
So Sub went in and Showed you he doesn't like Haters.

In all fairness.... PMSL!! that's GREAT!
much love Subway


Well-Known Member
Looks like Ms Jill and Sub are going to drop a tune on us real soon (mentioned at the beginning of the WN162 video). They plan to rip Em's "Without Me" to talk smack about "people who have done us wrong in the past". This should be rich :eyesmoke:


someone who knows nothing of sub, this culture, or what this video you posted about took one look and said are they brother and sister? lmao see its not just us! That's an unbiased voice being heard from!


Well-Known Member
Rights right n wrongs wrong...u should not have the privilege of being a mod on this site if ur going to abuse ur mod powers like that...period...theres no ifs ands or buts abt that...what he did was very childish and if thats the way he wants to present himself to the public thats fine w me....I would be embarrassed tho if I were him.

Im wrong for thinking that any action takin towards me from subcool would be addressed properly. ..I mean who am I n who is subcool?....its that very expendable to the site n hes obviously not.

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
Rights right n wrongs wrong...u should not have the privilege of being a mod on this site if ur going to abuse ur mod powers like that...period...theres no ifs ands or buts abt that...what he did was very childish and if thats the way he wants to present himself to the public thats fine w me....I would be embarrassed tho if I were him.
Abuse Mod Powers? By using them?

It's like Saying a Legal Gun owner does not have the Right to Fire their Gun.
We as Humans have Power for a reason.. If we can't use them, Why have them?


Well-Known Member
Abuse Mod Powers? By using them?

It's like Saying a Legal Gun owner does not have the Right to Fire their Gun.
We as Humans have Power for a reason.. If we can't use them, Why have them?


Staff member
Okay enough of this
I asked MR VEGA to report his issues properly so i could remove them

when a user doesnt want to report their issues all they want is to be able to complain about them to other users but they dont want us to do anything about it
they just want their 15 mins of fame

(im not advocating what sub did )

however mr.vega is just wanting this publicly known he doesnt want anyone to clear it up
thread closed too much arguing
Mr .vega please report if you want something done about it


Well-Known Member
I agree, thanks for closing this.

All it takes is one little complaint, and all of the crazies come out and start posting their inane opinion and why they think some member should be banned.

Like I've said before, I should ban everyone who tells me to ban someone. :lol:

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