Little Rascals Spelling Bee


Well-Known Member
(bear with me this is a good joke but kinda long.)

One day the little rascals are having a spelling bee. The teacher say to say the rod, spell it then, use it in a sentance.

Teacher: "Darla your word is handsome."
Darla: Handsome, h-a-n-d-s-o-m-e and I think Alfalfa is so handsome."
Teacher: "very good Alfala your word is pretty"
Alfalfa: "Pretty, p-r-e-t-t-y and I think Darla is so pretty"
Teacher: "excellent. Buckwheat"
Buckwheat: "yes m'am"
Teacher: "your word is dictate"
Buckwheat: "DicTate, d-i-c-k-t-a-t-e and Darla say Alfalfa's dicktate good."
