Ancient Aliens.


Well-Known Member
I like the show because of how mind blowing it is. But I must admit it's complete bullshit. I mean all our ancestors were telling us that there's these angels god(s) or monsters, they knew way more than we do today. Yet that one guy with the crazy hair is always like "they could have been alien space crafts...". That's stupid, obviously our ancestors knew more than him and he just wants to discredit what they have to say by pretty much saying they didn't know what they were talking about and they just didn't know what they saw. Man that dude needs to be more open minded. I mean our ancestors were the one right there talking with these things they called angels.

I would much rather listen to what our ancestors were trying to reveal to us than this close minded crazy haired guy.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
i think ole boy is awesome just cause of the fuckin hair and that tan. he says some outlandish shit, but he also sometimes says shit that makes alota sense. my fav is the old dude.


Well-Known Member
I feel like God knows we are not ready yet to live with true knowledge of the existence of aliens. God knows what he is doing by not revealing and confirming with the public the existence if other non earthly lifeforms.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
The evidence of extraterrestrial visitation in the far past is all around us, and way to compelling to just dismiss outright. The very first civilization tell us that they were visited by the annunaki (those who came down), and were taught what they knew about the stars.

How do you account for the fact that the sumerians knew there were 9 planets in the solar system and that earth was #7? WE didn't discover that fact until the '30s. How do you account for the fact that the sumerians and many other cultures knew there were 7 stars in the constellation Plieades? We can only see 5 with the naked eye, 6 with a telescope. It wasn't until the 30's that we discovered there were 2 in line with each other.

There is more to it than you know. Do you really believe that the great pyramid was built by slave labor in 29 years as the theologians would have you believe? Do you really believe that with only stone tools and no wheels, the slaves were able to quarry, cut, transport and set 30 ton stones at the rate of a stone every minute and a half for 29 years? We can't do that today with the precision they did. At what point does any of the traditional explanations not make any sense to you after seeing the evidence that surrounds us and the evidence left behind in the writings of ancient cultures?

The early civilizations didn't call them angels. Modern man came up with that word when they started piecing together and translating the bible


Active Member
Just lissen carefully to how they word the show, its full of "could of" "should ofs" "maybes". Not that all of its not true but not all of it is true and they dont know for sure what they are talking about. There just coming up with connections and ideas.


Well-Known Member
jack harer. their are not 9 planets. their are 8 and 3 plutoids. Why didnt we know about that back then? these aliens should be pretty smart and should of known that. even if you just want to say pluto is a planet then we have 11, not 9. they didnt know that......


Well-Known Member
Just lissen carefully to how they word the show, its full of "could of" "should ofs" "maybes". Not that all of its not true but not all of it is true and they dont know for sure what they are talking about. There just coming up with connections and ideas.
Yeah it's full of ideas that have no evidence. They snicker in the show when they think they have cornered religious people, but they are no better.


Well-Known Member
gfreeman would be all over this shit if it werent the like ...10th thread about this show.

Its brain candy, just like operation repo, and cops, and all that other shit we mindlessly absorb.


Well-Known Member
If there was any secret, it was hidden thousands of years ago and they have changed the history books to deceive even the most heartfelt believers.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Because nobody is stating it as absolute fact as yet. The only people stating absolute fact is the Theologians. Personally, I love the show, and have all 3 seasons, and awaiting the time I can get this season. Georgio Tsoukalis (dude with the crazy hair) is a well respected member of the academic community, as are tyhe other scientists on the show. The present the evidence and say that it COULD be this. Only the extreme religious right, and uneducated or indoctrinated people would dismiss the evidence that surrounds us outright without saying that it is a definite possibility. I am convinced that we WERE visited, and that extraterrestrials did build the monolithic structures that were built in antiquity that we cannot duplicate today.

DD, To my knowledge Pluto is once again a planet. I believe it was reclassified a few years ago. But even as it may be, it was once a planet that could have been broken up by a comet.


Well-Known Member
An why was that guy so shocked that Christians believe in aliens? He kept saying it would change genesis. Bullshit, it wouldn't change genesis, where did he get that from? According to the bible, earth was made for us; so if aliens came it wouldn't matter.


Well-Known Member
Because nobody is stating it as absolute fact as yet. The only people stating absolute fact is the Theologians. Personally, I love the show, and have all 3 seasons, and awaiting the time I can get this season. Georgio Tsoukalis (dude with the crazy hair) is a well respected member of the academic community, as are tyhe other scientists on the show. The present the evidence and say that it COULD be this. Only the extreme religious right, and uneducated or indoctrinated people would dismiss the evidence that surrounds us outright without saying that it is a definite possibility. I am convinced that we WERE visited, and that extraterrestrials did build the monolithic structures that were built in antiquity that we cannot duplicate today.
I know they aren't stating it as fact, but they sure as hell hint that it's fact. And the only way they do that is by stealing the evidence from different religions.


Well-Known Member
i was off on the number of plutoids, its 4 confirmed and around 70 suspected. here, from wikipedia, why didnt the ancient astronauts know of this?

A plutoid is a trans-Neptunian dwarf planet: that is, a body orbiting beyond Neptune that is large enough to be rounded in shape. There are thought to be a hundred or so plutoids in the Solar System, although only four have been formally designated as such to date.
The International Astronomical Union (IAU) developed this category of astronomical objects as a consequence of its 2006 resolution defining the word "planet". The IAU's formal definition of 'plutoid,' announced 11 June 2008, is:
Plutoids are celestial bodies in orbit around the Sun at a semi-major axis greater than that of Neptune that have sufficient mass for their self-gravity to overcome rigid body forces so that they assume a hydrostatic equilibrium (near-spherical) shape, and that have not cleared the neighbourhood around their orbit. Satellites of plutoids are not plutoids themselves.[1]Accordingly, plutoids can be thought of as the intersection of the set of dwarf planets and the set of trans-Neptunian objects.
In light of the difficulty of remotely ascertaining hydrostasis, the IAU only formally confers "dwarf planet" (and by extension, "plutoid") status to those bodies whose minimum estimated size is substantially greater than what is generally thought necessary to guarantee hydrostatic equilibrium. As of 2009[update], Pluto, Eris, Haumea, and Makemake are the only objects officially recognized as plutoids, while upwards of seventy more bodies that currently lack formal recognition are thought likely to meet the definition, and can expect formal recognition at some time in the future.[2]

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
OK, I'll go with that, since I cant refute it. Are you saying that at one time (175,000 or more years ago) it could not have been an actual planet that was since hit by another celestial object? You cannot state that with certainty either.


Well-Known Member
It's possible, sure. but 175,000 yrs ago is when you think the ancient aliens came amd they stayed up till the time of the pyramids or later? in all that time they helped in some ways but not in others? if we had guidance and advanced technology from et why did it take our civilization so long to really get going? you'd think with the help of these super intelligent beings we'd be able to advance back then as much as we have recently, the help should of jumpstarted it and we should of advanced like we have in the last 200 yrs back then. yet we dont see enjoying our discussion btw, dont want you to think im knocking you or nothing.