Aliens Existence?


Well-Known Member
So guys a few questions.
- do you believe in aliens?
- if you are atheist do you believe in aliens?
- if you are religious do you believe in aliens?
- do you think aliens are a bunch of punks for not showing up already?
- or do you think it's the government man?


Well-Known Member
Yes they exist, No I do not think if their is other Intelligent life they would give a damn or Look at us any differently than we look at Apes or other animals..


Well-Known Member
- do you believe in aliens? nope
- if you are atheist do you believe in aliens? not an atheist
- if you are religious do you believe in aliens? not religious
- do you think aliens are a bunch of punks for not showing up already? if they do exist, they're probably too busy probing the asses of middle-age men from Indiana
- or do you think it's the government man? I think it's all been made up to inhibit us in asking certain questions


Well-Known Member
So guys a few questions.
- do you believe in aliens?
- if you are atheist do you believe in aliens?
- if you are religious do you believe in aliens?
- do you think aliens are a bunch of punks for not showing up already?
- or do you think it's the government man?
LOL does anybody else see the contradiction here or is it just me?


Well-Known Member
- do you believe in aliens? I believe the probability of alien life is very high.

- if you are atheist do you believe in aliens? Yes, I see the question of a deity as a separate issue. The subjects obviously can intersect, but I don't think one is pertinent to the others existence.

- do you think aliens are a bunch of punks for not showing up already? I think the reason is most likely due to the distance between points of interest. Aliens life is bound by the same universal laws as we are. That is not to say faster-then-light travel is impossible, just that it is the first thing I would blame for the absence of alien contact. Still, we have objects that travel through space, not at the speed of light, but for incredible amounts of time, and evidence of alien life has not been brought to us by those means either. The contrast between the high probability of alien life and the complete lack of evidence or communication is known as the Fermi paradox. Some popular speculation on this subject includes the Zoo hypotheses and The Great Filter.

- or do you think it's the government man? There are many logical reason why I don't believe in govt coverup of aliens, in addition to just believing out govt is too incompetent to pull it off. (They couldn't cover up Clinton's blowjob) I do however believe that bodies within the govt do not mind it when sightings of secret military craft are mistaken for UFO's, and see it as better than revealing secrets.

What Questions could possibly be Hidden by Aliens Being Made Up...
Well if you don't know then I guess they have done their job. ;) Conspiracy theory 101: any evidence against the theory can be made into evidence for the theory, via the conspiracy. But seriously, I think he meant there are times when it's beneficial to have your people believe in aliens rather than them digging into classified technology.


Staff member
So guys a few questions.
- do you believe in aliens? of course
- if you are atheist do you believe in aliens? no im not an atheist
- if you are religious do you believe in aliens? yes
- do you think aliens are a bunch of punks for not showing up already? theyre here and have been
- or do you think it's the government man?no

imho i think its completely absurd to say were the only living organisms in the universe. They may not be green with big eyes..but for sure they/re out there


I believe some of the creatures deep in our sea are pretty damn close to aliens, its been said we don't know whats all down there, yet we look for life on other planets. what makes any of you think that life on other planets would have moral conscienceless or any ability to communicate, if anything IS out there which I don't believe... it'll be buck ass wild and dumb. Outter space is an infinite detraction of the human mind. A search for something that may be greater than ourselves when we've already had knowledge of this "greater thing" since the beginning. Man likes to see things, touch things. If he doesn't then it must not exist.


Well-Known Member
Where would we be if science took your approach to figuring out the cosmos. Faith did not advance the Human race. & if you truly understood how vast it is, the chances of life is very high. We are made out of the most abundant compounds found in our galaxy.. what makes us so special?


Well-Known Member
the universe is so mindbogglingly massive that we would be fools to think that life doesn't exist anywhere other then here


Well-Known Member
what is your take on all the architectural designs across the world that could of not possibly be done by man of those times?j

i think that is quite interesting to question, cause think about, how can you drill through rock or carve things out of solid rock? you need diamond tipped drill bits

im just high and enjoying the read

- do you believe in aliens? I believe the probability of alien life is very high.

- if you are atheist do you believe in aliens? Yes, I see the question of a deity as a separate issue. The subjects obviously can intersect, but I don't think one is pertinent to the others existence.

- do you think aliens are a bunch of punks for not showing up already? I think the reason is most likely due to the distance between points of interest. Aliens life is bound by the same universal laws as we are. That is not to say faster-then-light travel is impossible, just that it is the first thing I would blame for the absence of alien contact. Still, we have objects that travel through space, not at the speed of light, but for incredible amounts of time, and evidence of alien life has not been brought to us by those means either. The contrast between the high probability of alien life and the complete lack of evidence or communication is known as the Fermi paradox. Some popular speculation on this subject includes the Zoo hypotheses and The Great Filter.

- or do you think it's the government man? There are many logical reason why I don't believe in govt coverup of aliens, in addition to just believing out govt is too incompetent to pull it off. (They couldn't cover up Clinton's blowjob) I do however believe that bodies within the govt do not mind it when sightings of secret military craft are mistaken for UFO's, and see it as better than revealing secrets.

Well if you don't know then I guess they have done their job. ;) Conspiracy theory 101: any evidence against the theory can be made into evidence for the theory, via the conspiracy. But seriously, I think he meant there are times when it's beneficial to have your people believe in aliens rather than them digging into classified technology.