Philosophy of Life


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to see everybody's views on life and how it should be lived.

Be it religion or straight up philosophy, there is no REAL difference to the two until you add superstition and ritual to it, so negating those; What's your personal life philosophy RIU? Explain your stances, even just a synopsis will suffice!

I'm pretty much nihilistic when you get to the core of things. Nothing matters, and the fact that nothing matters therein does not matter as well. We derive our own purpose, and it is within that purpose that truly defines us. Life is inherently without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. We are no different then a chemical byproduct, no more or no less significant, merely more complex. The matter of significance is something WE place on OURSELVES. We are without purpose and can make no real change in the totality of existence. Only within our own. Information is contextual, and value of right or wrong is purely defined by it's presence or meaning. The meaning we place and the presence we feel.

Also, along with that - This sense of conciseness, a 'presence' of 'self' we place upon ourselves because we cannot fathom nor answer the reason for the product we are placed before. What forever has been called 'soul' is merely a product of our bodies biology. The cohesion of what our minds and bodies mean and the fluidity within our comprehended existence is a matter of perception.

Where is it? where is 'ourself' ? Understanding and using this body we have, what is it that 'does' this?
What is it that 'understands'? that 'values'? The you, before the 'you' of now. Everything in this world. It is all the same, we are all equal of no value. Of all value. We are all equal, and unequal - there, and nonexistent.

If you meet everything with that in mind, you cannot hate anybody or anything. To hate, would be to do so against yourself. To harm, would be an act against yourself. A good deed is one cast upon yourself, a helping hand is akene to catching yourself before you fall. Love for all is a matter of satisfaction of being.

What about you RIU? What's your view?

Please don't bring in sky-ghosts, merely the philosophical essence of your 'beliefs' please.


Well-Known Member
'Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.'

I use this quote by Bill Hicks from the Tool song Third Eye to illustrate my own philosophy, minus the nihilism. Our perception of being unique is realistically the only thing that validates our perception of being unique, our faith in religion is pre-programmed (instinct and biochemical spirituality) and is an external illustration of our internal self-sabotage... trying to look beyond the apparent is to find ever more unreachable plateus and desire their heights.


Well-Known Member
'Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.'

I use this quote by Bill Hicks from the Tool song Third Eye to illustrate my own philosophy, minus the nihilism. Our perception of being unique is realistically the only thing that validates our perception of being unique, our faith in religion is pre-programmed (instinct and biochemical spirituality) and is an external illustration of our internal self-sabotage... trying to look beyond the apparent is to find ever more unreachable plateus and desire their heights.
Interesting, that touches a lot on how I view things as well, but a question comes to mind. If this is your 'eyes envisioning' so to speak, how is it then that nihilism strikes no strings with you? Reality is inherently meaningless, there is equal value in the sense that there is no value at all, only ones subjective to our own designs. That is what illustrates purpose and meaning within our mind. Do you feel that there is a presence of a congenital mission in existing so to speak besides what we place before ourselves? If so, what is it and whom placed it before us? If not, elaborate upon your previous point along with this one. You've made me interested lol.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'll play along as Well since you Played on My Merry Go Round ;-)

IN a synopsis, My view/philosophy falls very much in Line with the Both of You, HOwever, that Biochemical conscious, allows us to transition just like all Elements go Through Transition.., They are a combination of Matter and Energy, We are Simply a Conglumerate of That Matter and Energy nothing more or less... Although we have Purpose, The Purpose is NO different than that of those Elements, but to become Whole again, We simply experience This Transistion in a Context of the State of Our Being.. Everything is Operating under the SAme Code, the Only thing that distorts the REcognition of this is The Size and Proportion which ultimately Distorts the scale of Time on how it is viewed in Relation....,

I tried to make it a Synopsis, but I had to atleast attempt in trying to sound as Intelligent as You 2....:mrgreen:

Just wanted to see everybody's views on life and how it should be lived.

Be it religion or straight up philosophy, there is no REAL difference to the two until you add superstition and ritual to it, so negating those; What's your personal life philosophy RIU? Explain your stances, even just a synopsis will suffice!

I'm pretty much nihilistic when you get to the core of things. Nothing matters, and the fact that nothing matters therein does not matter as well. We derive our own purpose, and it is within that purpose that truly defines us. Life is inherently without objective meaning, purpose, or intrinsic value. We are no different then a chemical byproduct, no more or no less significant, merely more complex. The matter of significance is something WE place on OURSELVES. We are without purpose and can make no real change in the totality of existence. Only within our own. Information is contextual, and value of right or wrong is purely defined by it's presence or meaning. The meaning we place and the presence we feel.

Also, along with that - This sense of conciseness, a 'presence' of 'self' we place upon ourselves because we cannot fathom nor answer the reason for the product we are placed before. What forever has been called 'soul' is merely a product of our bodies biology. The cohesion of what our minds and bodies mean and the fluidity within our comprehended existence is a matter of perception.

Where is it? where is 'ourself' ? Understanding and using this body we have, what is it that 'does' this?
What is it that 'understands'? that 'values'? The you, before the 'you' of now. Everything in this world. It is all the same, we are all equal of no value. Of all value. We are all equal, and unequal - there, and nonexistent.

If you meet everything with that in mind, you cannot hate anybody or anything. To hate, would be to do so against yourself. To harm, would be an act against yourself. A good deed is one cast upon yourself, a helping hand is akene to catching yourself before you fall. Love for all is a matter of satisfaction of being.

What about you RIU? What's your view?

Please don't bring in sky-ghosts, merely the philosophical essence of your 'beliefs' please.
'Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather.'

I use this quote by Bill Hicks from the Tool song Third Eye to illustrate my own philosophy, minus the nihilism. Our perception of being unique is realistically the only thing that validates our perception of being unique, our faith in religion is pre-programmed (instinct and biochemical spirituality) and is an external illustration of our internal self-sabotage... trying to look beyond the apparent is to find ever more unreachable plateus and desire their heights.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'll play along as Well since you Played on My Merry Go Round ;-)

IN a synopsis, My view/philosophy falls very much in Line with the Both of You, HOwever, that Biochemical conscious, allows us to transition just like all Elements go Through Transition.., They are a combination of Matter and Energy, We are Simply a Conglumerate of That Matter and Energy nothing more or less... Although we have Purpose, The Purpose is NO different than that of those Elements, but to become Whole again, We simply experience This Transistion in a Context of the State of Our Being.. Everything is Operating under the SAme Code, the Only thing that distorts the REcognition of this is The Size and Proportion which ultimately Distorts the scale of Time on how it is viewed in Relation....,

I tried to make it a Synopsis, but I had to atleast attempt in trying to sound as Intelligent as You 2....:mrgreen:
It's not a matter of intelligence, you're smart in your own ways just as everybody else is. I don't care if you're rather straight forward in your approach, it's more about context then presentation in my opinion. If the point is carried across effectively, what matter is how it is shown?

On to my point though, Although the fundamentals of this hold firm, that purpose you speak of, do you not feel is rather misconceived as such? Don't you feel it's wishful thinking when you say it carries purpose simply because it works in a fashion that allows us to place purpose upon it?

It's an interesting thing to ponder.

On another note as well, since you mentioned time and how others view its presence, Consider this:

Time is merely an illusion, it does not exist, it is simply something, a concept that allows us to perceive how we see and exist in the physical reality we are set upon.
"Relativity is everything and nothing at all."

We are just energy, alike everything else - you're absolutely right. Matter is energy, and like everything else we will succumb to entropy.

over time, its effects will show as slower, and slower. Time will eventually and inevitably slow down to the point of stopping. Entropy wins. There is no 'eb and flo' to the universe, just the inevitable process of equal dissipation of matter across it.


Well-Known Member
Right, As far as the Intelligence part goes, I know and Understand That..., That is Why all things are Important, no matter how simple or complex it may be in you View, You Still learn from it, If you are able to Learn from it, then you have gathered intelligence from it, If you have gathered intelligence from it, Then what you gained from was Intelligence...

The Purpose is NOt a Purpose of Wishful Thinking, it is The actual FAct.., You find Purpose in not trying to find Purpose, that is Purpose, You find Purpose in looking for Purpose, That is Purpose.., To say trying to find Purpose is not of Purpose, because Time and REality is only an illusion, is not earnest in attempt to understanding What Purpose is...

But let's Say Causality in effort is True of all Things, Well if Cause and Effect is True of all Things then the Notion of Everything being into 1 singularity was CAuse and the Effect was Seperation... If seperation Now has become the Cause then the Effect now lies in Singularity... That is Purpose... The notion of Time not existing is the effect when there was Singularity being the Cause, there is NOthing relative for Time to Exist... Because Time does Exist Now, is the Effect of the RElative existence of that Separation... In this, All Purpose REsides...

There is No ebb and Flow is Correct in a Sense, but to explain that is because everything has already Ebbed and now Flow is taking process and there will be No equal dissipation of Matter Across the Universe..For that to Happen., Matter itself must not be in Relation to itself.... The only dissipation that is being witnessed is the Loss of that Sepeartion to the Whole, in which where all Matter will Reside...

It's not a matter of intelligence, you're smart in your own ways just as everybody else is. I don't care if you're rather straight forward in your approach, it's more about context then presentation in my opinion. If the point is carried across effectively, what matter is how it is shown?

On to my point though, Although the fundamentals of this hold firm, that purpose you speak of, do you not feel is rather misconceived as such? Don't you feel it's wishful thinking when you say it carries purpose simply because it works in a fashion that allows us to place purpose upon it?

It's an interesting thing to ponder.

On another note as well, since you mentioned time and how others view its presence, Consider this:

Time is merely an illusion, it does not exist, it is simply something, a concept that allows us to perceive how we see and exist in the physical reality we are set upon.
"Relativity is everything and nothing at all."

We are just energy, alike everything else - you're absolutely right. Matter is energy, and like everything else we will succumb to entropy.

over time, its effects will show as slower, and slower. Time will eventually and inevitably slow down to the point of stopping. Entropy wins. There is no 'eb and flo' to the universe, just the inevitable process of equal dissipation of matter across it.


Well-Known Member
I get what you mean, but remember: There is no real meaning. Only contextual meaning. Meaning we artificially create and continue to procreate as variables to the questions which manifest themselves from our own context. Based upon the value we contrive onto it.
" If seperation Now has become the Cause then the Effect now lies in Singularity... That is Purpose... "
You cannot find purpose in not finding purpose, for it has none. You cannot find purpose in finding purpose, for it holds none. Only contextually. Only what we give it, and that's purely a matter of relevance. What we value matters not to the whole.

That value, that purpose, if we were not present within the rest of the universe(which for most cases we might as well not be) would this 'purpose' still be a purpose?
Would that 'value' still have value? it is merely important because we place importance upon it, we give these things such indication and representation of meaning that we get ahead of ourselves and disproportion the scale in which we weigh reality upon.

This is the important part here,
The illusion of time exists. Time itself however does not; we use time as a place holder, a concept to an understanding we have yet to grasp, and within that comes our struggles in working with that lack of knowledge to further our progression within answering the rest. Therein answering the remainder, that which we call 'time.'

I believe my last point may have been misrepresented on my part or misunderstood on yours.
Essentially what was explained was simply entropy and it's inevitable effects upon the known form of 'substance' in our home reality.

Again, there is no beginning or end, because as I said: Time is but an illusion.

We are on a plane of infinite integers. Integers each representing another infinity. as entropy takes it's toll, the 'ends' so to speak of the known universe bound ever forward. Matter will over time evenly spread out, and then it will continue to dissipate in every direction for all of what we see as 'time'. 'eternity' an Infinity of incomprehensibly and immeasurable spans of moments that we would, at that point no longer be able to relate to. This is because time will to our senses, have stopped. 'Time' is relative to matter, as matter spreads and slows, time ceases more and more, never fully reaching an end, forever lingering on.


Well-Known Member
You see Purpose in Light as something you Must progress too.., The Purpose is found in that You already are Progressing to something.. It's not merely a Might if what you will or Will NOt.., for that in itself is Purpose as well..

It's Wishful thinking to Think if NOt, although that is Purpose..., But because you Are, Is Purpose... Our value isn't based on an individuality, because that individuality is still the Whole, because there is No Whole without that individuality, and NO individuality without perception of The Whole...,

But even if we are not observing the Whole, the Whole still is, and it is Purpose, because it was Purpose before Our existence and it Will be Purpose after our existence..

and that part of Time is important, but I think you don't grasp my meaning as well, Time does exist but only in Relation to Separation.., If there is No separtion then time Cannot exist... You are in a room, separated by many rooms, Now what is taking place in the other room is without time because it is of no relation to You, However, the person in the other room is within there time, and You do not exist in relation.. It is the relation of observing which permits the illusion of Time, which exists because there is Relation...

you read time as an illusion because you see it none prevalent to being real, but because of relation Time is Real, until there is no Relation to percieve Time...

and again, Matter has already Spread, The Ebb has already taken place.., It is The flow that we are Observing..

what you call spreading is only inertia..because the relative distance is Greater than any Force of it's set path, however, The relative distance of Matter is Greater in the Proximity of All Matter, in Which over time, the Collective Force of All Matter will be greater than the Realtive distance to Overcome Inertia of seperated Matter...

Is this Philosophy 1 on 1? :-P, Yeah, I think I would've enjoyed this..., But you can still find it on a Tokers Forum, I guess...:lol:,

I'm not here to dispute your Philosophy, I want to learn from it indeed and would really like to continue, but I think we should let other people discuss their philosophy as well, so I submit... This is becoming to Strenuous of an Activity, and I want to RElax a little.. Of course tho', it ain't over...


Well-Known Member
Inertia, sure but I guess up to that point we're discussing semantics rather than form or opinion. we're either in a stable universe, a shrinking one, or a growing one, etc etc.

Who's to say, but entropy still wins out in the end. I didn't mean to imply I felt entropy was going to dissipate the known universe into something insubstantial in form as a direct statement but rather was just expanding more-so onto my previous question of 'ponderment'. Lol, didn't mean for that to get out of hand. Besides, all we're doing now is throwing seemingly broken science at each other. We're getting away from the the 'purpose' of the thread <- Har-de har har.

I will say now though, in the end Purpose is value, and value is a construct of man. Since everything equally matters not, the only purpose we or the universe as we know it for that matter holds is what we place on it. Now that value can mean nothing to us, or it could mean everything to us. In the end though it's just something we've placed on it and it is therein for us to come to terms with.

The idea in what I say when I say there is no purpose is akin to me saying, there was no creator, it simply is.

The universe in all of my infinite misunderstandings and lack of knowledge is a meaningless void of self derived and individualistic purpose. My point is, there is no destiny, there is no Life purpose to existing, it's what we do as a species, as a people, a body of greater beings that will define us, for WE define ourselves. (Theres that contextual purpose I'm cracking about again.)
We will be our beginning and we will be our end, and then the play will go on, unchanged.

I agree though, we should be Retreating back into the essence of the thread and see what other opinions have formed on how life is/should be viewed, lived and expressed.

Also, philosophies are there to be questioned, to be thought of. For or against. So feel free I don't mind. If I took offence it would be due to something I had no satisfactory answer to.(assuming feeling offended had a point, which it doesn't) and in that wrong is found within myself and within my understanding which leaves it there for me to ponder ever further. So in that, you could do no harm, in actuality the only harm you could do to me(IF any at all) is only harm unto yourself. If you understand/appreciate what I mean by that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and I meant Purpose in not that of an Creator, but Purpose because There is CAuse and Effect which allows Purpose, because Purpose is defined between Cause and Effect..

I wasn't implying that I offended you, and if I did, Yes I just did, it was of no Purpose intent to try.. I was just saying let's not consume the thread yet with back and forth until others have had opportunity to share, but we've given it a good start and Purpose...

and Right, I cannot Harm You, You can only allow yourself to be Harmed..., and in that I hope you understand that I understand...


Well-Known Member
Haha, it's quite alright my friend. Didn't say you offended me, on the contrary, it was quite an interesting show. I go on the understanding that One can only hurt others if one hurts themselves, one can only love others if one loves themselves, one can only appreciate others if one can appreciate themselves. Ergo, it's all good in the proverbial 'hood' my 'home boy'. To understand all is to understand 'self' and ones own mind. Because we are all the same, I can only do wrong if I desire it upon myself. It's beautiful really, I have no need nor yearning to hate or harm. Simply to live, and learn of course. ; D

My last message, and so I do not steal the last word, I welcome a last response from you.
cause and effect shows that there is a reason to the result, not that there is a purpose to the effect.

As you know just as I do, the cause is the ebb, the effect is the flow.

The term Purpose in this is not: the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used. etc etc
But, rather: Relevance derived by intentional design in regards to a subjective reference.

I meant it much more in a philosophical meaning rather then a literal/scientific one.
I agree, in a non philosophical sense, cause and effect is the direct purpose of our known universe. ;)

I enjoyed this talk, and enjoy the way you think. Maybe sometime later on when I get more free time I can pick apart your brain some more haha.
Keep it real compadre.

Best regards: A quizzical one.


Well-Known Member
Ha, the only last Words, I have for you is Peace until You have time to Educate me Some More.. Hollar


Well-Known Member
slight regression to my comment: nihilism, just as all other outlooks, is a choice. and in the case of nihilism specifically, the choice is made easier by the ridiculousness of nihilism in any literal sense. I mean I sense my own existence in a lucid enough light; as Occam's razor would imply, there's no reason to look outside reality to find the answers we've had it all along... and that answer is the slow trickling of time, the recycling of matter. thats the game, and you are playing it my friends.

man, you got a lot out of me here, normally i stick to the weed growing threads haha.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, but I'm sure I hit a soft spot, you like me, you know it ;D lol.
Thanks for adding more by the way, your previous post really caught my attention.

Although the deeper one delves into these questions, the more questions appear, and the harder they are to answer, one whom is quizzical and desiring greater knowledge and wisdom of self and others I can only find it natural to endure this struggle to every fiber of my being, for however long I may 'hope' to hold on.

Any outlook, when broken down is a matter of choice, I agree. The simpler way to explain the same concept the better, however regardless of everything inherently leading unto the same actual result, people place value on particular concepts of philosophy, or just down right ignore or don't get some if not all of the picture at all.

It's interesting that you say nihilism is ridiculous, and to such a degree. I'm curious, what is value then? What is meaning? To one degree or the next this differs from thing to thing, however intrinsically everything is equal in that it lacks inherent quality, but rather carries Extrinsic substance in which we've placed onto it.

I agree, it may be a bit silly to live under the concept that 'there is no purpose' but like I said before, the fact that there is no purpose has no purpose either, so in that understanding I feel acceptance for everything equally. That's just me though, how about you? or anyone else for that matter?

I'm really interested in having my views questioned, so don't hold back anyone and everyone.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know, but I'm sure I hit a soft spot, you like me, you know it ;D lol.
Thanks for adding more by the way, your previous post really caught my attention.
haha, you are def. an interesting cat... with an awesome avatar, i'll give you that. +rep for your demeanor and thoughts.

Any outlook, when broken down is a matter of choice, I agree. The simpler way to explain the same concept the better, however regardless of everything inherently leading unto the same actual result, people place value on particular concepts of philosophy, or just down right ignore or don't get some if not all of the picture at all.
I like this. but even attempting to resist a choice is to spawn another inverse action. it's all relative in this sense, we can choose to be or choose to deny our being... and still end up hungover on a sunday morning with a splitting headache.

It's interesting that you say nihilism is ridiculous, and to such a degree. I'm curious, what is value then? What is meaning? To one degree or the next this differs from thing to thing, however intrinsically everything is equal in that it lacks inherent quality, but rather carries Extrinsic substance in which we've placed onto it.

I agree, it may be a bit silly to live under the concept that 'there is no purpose' but like I said before, the fact that there is no purpose has no purpose either, so in that understanding I feel acceptance for everything equally.
I think value, just like choice, is largely ignored by the majority of existence and happenings. 'purpose' is just the punchline (or a ghost in the machine of sorts) of the joke that is human perception. Man, we should trip on acid together, lol.

i feel like i need to add this in...


Well-Known Member
I like that way of thought of yours too, very awesome. I'd definitely do acid with you if the chance ever occurred lol.
Oh! I know, Sometime in the near future, go to burning man! haha.

I'm planning on it eventually, I hear it's an event of events to remember.

That picture is really interesting, I'm going to save it for next time I trip, thanks for the addition for my image collection, I'll give you one too.



Well-Known Member
thats the ticket, i've been waiting to exp burning man. thanks for the trip art, that first pic is just transfixing me just stoned! :peace: homie


DJBox, I feel the same way pretty much as the OP.

I'm way too baked right now to get deep, but you pretty much outlined it better than I probably could have anyway.

Lately I've been thinking about the inevitable fate of the universe and what it means to humanity. I guess that's the most optimistic thing an atheist could ever possibly say... that he thinks "humanity" might exist in one form or another, certainly not our current form as it'll probably be hundreds of billions of years in the future... but anyway, I guess it's not necessarily the "end" right? We just havn't figured out how to get outside universes yet.

One other thought about that, I'd think there would have to be some exception to Einsteins rule, we'd have to go faster than light or else nothing would really matter anyway. The universe would keep expanding faster than we could ever go, which means we would never reach the "edge" in which to "escape"...

...well, one good thing I can say about that though huh... I won't be around to see it! lol

Love the Bill Hicks quote, that dude was awesome! I just saw this thing with George Carlin too, that guy had some amazing shit to say, one of the smartest guys, hands down.


Well-Known Member
DJBox, I feel the same way pretty much as the OP.

I'm way too baked right now to get deep, but you pretty much outlined it better than I probably could have anyway.

Lately I've been thinking about the inevitable fate of the universe and what it means to humanity. I guess that's the most optimistic thing an atheist could ever possibly say... that he thinks "humanity" might exist in one form or another, certainly not our current form as it'll probably be hundreds of billions of years in the future... but anyway, I guess it's not necessarily the "end" right? We just havn't figured out how to get outside universes yet.

One other thought about that, I'd think there would have to be some exception to Einsteins rule, we'd have to go faster than light or else nothing would really matter anyway. The universe would keep expanding faster than we could ever go, which means we would never reach the "edge" in which to "escape"...

...well, one good thing I can say about that though huh... I won't be around to see it! lol

Love the Bill Hicks quote, that dude was awesome! I just saw this thing with George Carlin too, that guy had some amazing shit to say, one of the smartest guys, hands down.
Physics is really wacky, we exist/were born at a really interesting time. We've realized at our point, with all we know, that we truly within the fundamentals, know nothing fully at all. Only snipits of everything. Fractals. We have all the pieces. Almost. Maybe?(physics joke, kind of) It's a matter of putting what we have together and filling in the blanks. Or at least identifying the blanks for what they are.

All we can do in existing is continue on existing, that is our 'destiny' I suppose, and by destiny I mean instinctive drive. Our derived purpose shapes us, people get caught up in the fact that the purpose we have fuels us rather then seeing the fuel as the fact that we derive our own purposes. It isn't our 'purpose' that pushes us forward, it's the concept OF purpose that pushes us forward. There is no real purpose, as Iv'e said, only contextual purpose. The concept of Purpose. Just as there are no morals, merely the concept of morals.

Evolution, our advancements within that large yet fragment of 'time' will peak at genetics and transcend to technological. Why, it already has. What I would give to be born 200 years from now, but I transgress, it is the inherent value we place upon these fundamental concepts to the structure of our thought that allows us to desire progression. It's progression through self facilitated purpose. This drives our machine.


New Member
only of what is present in our minds and hearts.

Even if we don't believe, we all make our own rules and impose them upon ourselves.

When our minds evolve to the point where we can believe we can shape our own realities, then by extension, we are actually shaping our own independent universes.
