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  1. D

    Don't buy any COCO from Milleniumsoils Coir!

    I went to my local store to buy some CANA coco, they were all out.. I had to drive an hour to pick up a brick of the coco coir from Millennium Soils.. located in S. Ontario, Canada. I followed the instructions on the brick - to hydrate the soil. I planted $60 worth of seeds, and sat back to...
  2. D

    Ballast needed for metal halide bulbs.

    I got a whole bunch of metal halide horticultural bulbs (175/250 w), with an E39 socket. I see so many options for ballasts, do I need a transformer/capacator/resistor - kit - or one of the "digital" ones? I have LED lighting, but would like to fill in wiht some of these MH bulbs. Thanks
  3. D

    Can anyone help me identify this mystery pot plant?

    This plan has very pot like leaves, but as it nears maturation - yellow flowers similar to marigolds are appearing on both plants in my garden. Our little town in Sw Ontario has many, many of these same plants, could they be Hemp plants? There is some purple venation in main stem and secondary...