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  1. J

    What do you guys think

    So since my last update I fed them some epsom salt and sprinkled some azomite on top. Then I gave them a good dose of seaweed and fish. They seem to be looking better now. I fed them megacrop after taking these pics. Excited to go back and see how they liked the megacrop.
  2. J

    What do you guys think

    Thank you for all your help and input! It’s very much appreciated.
  3. J

    What do you guys think

    I went and snapped some better quality pics. A couple of the plants stems are turning very dark purple almost black. :cry:
  4. J

    What do you guys think

    Awesome Thanks! I’ll take a look today. That sounds ideal for my situation.
  5. J

    What do you guys think

    Ok great thanks for the help! I can’t wait for this stuff to show up so I can share the results. I went and took a look yesterday and noticed some of the plants stems were turning a really dark purple almost black. I fed them all some fish & seaweed, planning on going back tomorrow to check...
  6. J

    What do you guys think

    Thanks for the feedback! Should I top dress with megacrop or brew some tea with it? Also is there anything you would recommend, just want to use something in the meantime while i wait for the megacrop to arrive. I have some age old fish & seaweed. Sorry for the newb question.
  7. J

    What do you guys think

    My helper sent me some photos and the whole plant is starting to get yellow :-(. I’ve added some Epsom salt but didn’t seem to help. They’ve been getting nothing but water since my last update. They’ve been seeing +90 degrees pretty frequently. I’m planing on going to check on them in a few...
  8. J

    What do you guys think

    That’s what I was guessing after seeing a few deficiency charts. I’ll be picking up a of epsom salt today. Thanks for the reply!
  9. J

    What do you guys think

    At the moment they are getting tea(kelp,alfalfa, chicken manure, EWC, and molasses), once a week. It’s very possible that I went a little overboard on the ingredients. Another factor that has me concerned is the fact that my “helper” turned off the air pump a day before actually feeding plants...
  10. J

    What do you guys think

    I got around to seeing my ladies today and a few of them are turning yellow :cry: I took a few pics for reference.
  11. J

    What do you guys think

    Snapped a few pics the other day. Gave them a first foliar feeding after taking these pics.
  12. J

    What do you guys think

    Thanks for the input everyone. Should have some more updates tomorrow!
  13. J

    What do you guys think

    Good to know, thanks for the info!
  14. J

    What do you guys think

    I’ve added some pics of the happier ladies and some of the not so happy ladies
  15. J

    What do you guys think

    Thanks for the reply’s! :blsmoke:
  16. J

    What do you guys think

    Hello to all, I’ve been a fan of this form for many years. I’ve enjoyed reading all your posts and checking out your grows. I am finally able to contribute by sharing my first grow(outdoor) I snapped these pics today when it was 100 degrees out. I’m still trying to figure out why they are so...