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  1. D

    First time growing

    It will be legal june 1st aha n ye hopefully theirs do better
  2. D

    First time growing

    Its not his fault it was at another one of my buddys first and he didny really put it in the window too much and always had the light on should i keep it or try another one
  3. D

    First time growing

    Yeah it was like that whem ot started from the seed and ita bewn put in the window seal every day for the past weel or so. Its at a buddys house i only see it when im there n thanks
  4. D

    First time growing

    Its in a bigger pot now thats the only picture i had of it amd thanks i thought so
  5. D

    First time growing

    This is my bubba kush plant is it normal for it to look like this is a month and almost 4 weeks old. Im also looking for suggestions and tips for growing