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  1. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Nah I'm fine thanks, I can read for myself ;)
  2. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    She is off her rocker!
  3. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    It's a difficult one for many. I'd have no problem having a vaccine because on balance of probability I see it as better to have it than not. There are always people that put conspiracy theories before common sense.
  4. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Yeah I realise all of that. I was just making the point that it is a respiratory virus that affects other parts of the body, rather than a purely circulatory virus as @schuylaar was saying.
  5. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Pretty sure Joe will make sure all Americans receive a vaccine as soon as possible. He won't play games and say "Be nice to me or you won't get the vaccine." He won't kill Americans to prove that he has the power to do so, like that fuck-up Trump has.
  6. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    I found this interesting article which suggests Covid-19 is a respiratory virus that infects the blood cells....never heard of before, apparently. Scary shit!
  7. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    I bet he can't fucking wait for the sensible people to take over, ones who believe in science.
  8. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    I think you're wrong on that. Yes it affects the blood vessels but transmission is predominantly via respiration, hence the need for wearing masks. It likely could be spread by blood but humans are in more danger from people breathing/sneezing/coughing by carriers.
  9. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Maybe this whole period needs to be named after Donald and taught as a warning to future generations!
  10. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Any mention of Fauci? Wonder if he'll still be involved....
  11. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Not sure that is correct with a respiratory virus. I'm no expert - obviously - but mink can probably exhale the virus just like humans and if you go into an indoor pen with dozens/hundreds of mink then that virus is going to hang in the air.
  12. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    You mean like as a warning to future generations? "If you aren't careful you'll end up with "music" like this" :D Plus the those are something else.....
  13. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    I guess gorgeous melody and captivating harmony are really a thing of the past.... :D
  14. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    It seems the Republicans are split over fighting the election result:
  15. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Even if they find a few it won't be enough to get the SC to overturn the result. I think any attempt to overturn the result would be close to starting a civil war and nobody wants that, except for Trump maybe. The SC wouldn't go that far I don't think!
  16. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    I think you're right. People are gonna have to step up and stop Trump doing even more really damaging shit. I think the Republicans will want to protect themselves from being linked to any of the stuff Trump pulls. Since they know he's leaving anyway, there is no advantage to them keeping Trump...
  17. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    Yeah I guess. If they're backed by Trump personally then they'll give him the chance to pay the loans back and when he doesn't they'll repossess what they need to pay back the collateral, I assume. I wonder what other 'deals' he has got involved in and who knows which other institutions will...
  18. Stone_Free

    Biden won :)
  19. Stone_Free

    Biden won

    They are looking to dump Trump too
  20. Stone_Free

    Need help my First auto flower grow.

    Yeah it looks like the main cola starting to form but there should be other sites showing pre-flowers as well. Maybe it's right at the beginning of pre-flowers forming, in which case you'll start to see them form over the coming days.