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  1. Azerothlol

    Tiny black spots problem, help. Pics! HELP!

    Hmmm. I've been spraying fungicide3 along with malathion and sevin.. I see grasshoppers from time to time. Whiteflies I definitely see often. Moths, I see a couple. Could it be russet mites?
  2. Azerothlol

    Tiny black spots problem, help. Pics! HELP!

    Could it be fungus gnats/larvaes? I've been seeing a lot around. I already ordered some diatomaceous earth and sm90 for them. I'm just waiting on it to arrive now.
  3. Azerothlol

    Tiny black spots problem, help. Pics! HELP!

    Here are some photos of my buds that are starting to brown. &some photos of the leaves from my GSC and my DQ. Whichever stems starts to have the spots, the leaves start looking like this.
  4. Azerothlol

    Tiny black spots problem, help. Pics! HELP!

    My connection is extra slow so I can only get 1. This one has been affected for a while and I didnt know what was wrong so I couldnt treat it.
  5. Azerothlol

    Tiny black spots problem, help. Pics! HELP!

    I'm only using well water and the last time I checked the ph, it was around 7.0. It starts from the stems to the leaves, the leaves then gets rusty in the middle and spreads outwards.
  6. Azerothlol

    Tiny black spots problem, help. Pics! HELP!

    It starts getting rusty from the middle of the leaf. Here is another photo from a different strain. It's starting to happen to all my trees.
  7. Azerothlol

    Tiny black spots problem, help. Pics! HELP!

    Help!!! They're ready in a month or so already and I need to fix the problem!
  8. Azerothlol

    Tiny black spots problem, help. Pics! HELP!

    Hi. Im growing some plants outdoors. Some of my trees are getting unhealthy and theyre starting to get these tiny black/purple spots on them and it's spreading pretty fast. My healthy trees don't have any of it tho. Any idea what this is? I recently found out that my soil has been infested with...