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  1. SANoob

    Spider Mites need help

    Hey guys this is pretty urgent. I am in my 6th week of flower and all was going well until i realized yesterday that i have a pretty bad spider mite problem. It is 100% spider mites i can see the little fuckers. I know neem oil would work but i can seem to find it any where so is there any home...
  2. SANoob

    2nd Grow need advice

    Hey guys i haven't posted in a while but i am in the flowering phase of my 2nd grow that has been going a lot better then the first one, However it seems like the plant isn't making that much bud it is in the 5th week of flowering and to me something looks wrong please could you guys check out...
  3. SANoob

    Need advice before i start a new grow

    Ok so my first grow was a disaster and before i start my second one i need some advice. Below i will list the details of my grow space. If i need to change anything please let me know. Grow space. Dimensions: 38cm wide 49cm deep 112cm height Additions: Emergency blanket used on sides and...
  4. SANoob

    Post Mortem

    Alright so after what can only be described as a disaster of a first attempt i have decided to call it quits with my first grow attempt. It served as a huge learning curve but i still need to work out exactly what i did wrong. so here are the details of my grow space and my attempted grow. Keep...
  5. SANoob

    Base soil mix

    I posted this on the newbie central thread but i thought id give it a go here with a few amendments to the post. So here is the deal. I am currently doing my first grow and needless to say it has been a huge learning curve, Many mistakes were made and have been learnt from. One of these...
  6. SANoob

    Need help putting together a good soil mix

    So here is the deal. I am currently doing my first grow and needless to say it has been a huge learning curve, Many mistake were made and have been learnt from. One of these problems has been a poor soil mix. I live in South Africa and good a quality soil mix to grow weed in isn't readily...
  7. SANoob

    Almost no space between nodes

    So this is my first grow and i know its a learning curve but i seem to keep making mistakes. I used random bag seed from a friend so i know there are a few different strains in the 5 plants i am growing.I guess this is why a couple of them are doing fine but the rest of the plants seem to have...
  8. SANoob

    Help I think i might have messed up topping my plants

    So this is my first grow and i tried topping my plants but i got to eager and didn't read up enough and so i ended up cutting the new growth off the top of my plants but left hardly any stem above the node and it was before any side growth had started. Ill attach a pic of what i did. the red...