Search results

  1. L

    Diy or pre built EBB n Gro bucket system?

    What controller is best to lean towards?
  2. L

    DIY Ebb & Flow System

    Controller or no controller ?
  3. L

    Diy or pre built EBB n Gro bucket system?

    Can you do a bucket system without a controller?
  4. L

    Ebb n flow : Tables or bucket?

    Which is best and why? Pros and cons? I have a 10x10 room. Vegging plants ready to decide if I want to make bucket system or table.
  5. L

    Help Heat stress

    Build homemade a.c. with dry ice in mean time.
  6. L

    WHAT Controller for Ebb & Gro Bucket System?

    You have a thread to research on? Didn't find much but more confusing chit chat
  7. L

    WHAT Controller for Ebb & Gro Bucket System?

    There is a lot of DIY controllers for an ebb & flow bucket system, as well as commercial controllers. Which do you use? What is best? What is cheapest?