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    Rollin it up: Time to Flower -pics inside!-

    Well, I have been running an indoor grow since November 15th of some Arjan's Haze #1 and Barney's Farm g13 x haze and I believe it is about time to flower. I just purchased my 1k watt HPS and next week my flowering starts. Thusfar, my first grow has been full of trials and tribulations...
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    fuck do you think it is too late?
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    this is going to sound bad but I cant afford a ph tester (the 2 that I have bought thusfar have been eternally broken). I want to buy the really good one but I have to wait anohter paycheck. But this guy I know says the ph of our water is 5.5 and the nutes have a ph of 3.5 i believe
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    So we are in this debate as to whether or not we have been over/under watering the plants. Lets say hypothetically last week i overwatered them to give them nutes. All the leaves have now gotten droopy, and I rewatered them again because it was time to water, my water meter said it was time to...
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    Week 5 Superthread -Arjan's Haze #1, BF's G13 x Haze and others (Pics Inside!)

    aw fuck i didnt know their penetration was so low! I guess thats why we will be ScrOG'ing the hell out of these guys. This is a huge problem dude I didnt know hps only had 3 ft of depth! I am growing mostly pure sativas! Fuck, what do I need to be doing?! They are all starting to grow out of...
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    Week 5 Superthread -Arjan's Haze #1, BF's G13 x Haze and others (Pics Inside!)

    My partner in crime stated it is probably a midget plant. I think personally that it is just like, umm, a lil retard baby? I have no plans to flower until they are fully ready. I am growing for maximum output and I am purchasing a 1k hps system in a week and using that for veg and flower...
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    Week 5 Superthread -Arjan's Haze #1, BF's G13 x Haze and others (Pics Inside!)

    Hey ya'll welcome to my superthread, this is going to have updated pics from my 13 plants (started off with 25, used jiffy pots, and this is where I ended up, dont use jiffy pots!) For lighting I am using 8 Fl's and 4 CFL's First we will start off with pics of the entire op (vegging in a...
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    Potpimp's White Widow Grow.

    sticking this, dude I wish you the best of luck, we need someone to innovate our current processes. If you can successfully pull this off and get a serious yeild you would have sold me
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    Need Help!!! Apartment Inspection

    First off about the smell, the plants give off a wicked smell, one that slightly permeates throughout the house on a daily basis. If my door is closed to the bedroom and I come home from work, it freaking stinks badly. Ona gel doesnt even do justice. I havent set up exaust yet cause I dont...
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    Need Help!!! Apartment Inspection

    I love your ideas but what about the smell?!?
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    Need Help!!! Apartment Inspection

    Ok the deal is I play the secret game very well and NONE of my friends know Im doing this. There is one though, he is my partner teaching me how to do this (along with all of you at rollitup ;) I think I just had an Idea. 2 HUGE rubbermaid containers (like ones used as resivoirs) take them and...
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    Need Help!!! Apartment Inspection

    Ok, I have an apartment inspection coming up soon (dont know when, probably at least have 10 days. I dont know what to do! Also, It is cold outside so I cant put them (15 plants) outside. They are all about a 1/2 foot to 1 foot tall right now.
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    Day 22: Current Situation (pics included) Looking for advice and giving some too

    Thanks man, I will bring this up with my partner and see whats up. Definantly sounds like a mandatory investment though. This is going to end up costing me 2k, oh well good thing i have a post-degree job that I hate.
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    Day 22: Current Situation (pics included) Looking for advice and giving some too

    Wow thank you all for your interest and advice! I am going to do the sliding buckets method because that seems like it will work great and i get 3gals for dirt cheap! As far as scent goes.... nothing yet :( I can already smell it in my room after I come home from work. When we buy the...
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    Day 22: Current Situation (pics included) Looking for advice and giving some too

    What I have learned from what you are about to see: 1) Foxfarm Ocean Forest + 20% Perlite or just straight ocean forest is great 2) Start off with good genetics from the seed company 3) I have spent around $800 already for a 10-30 plant grow op and I have not even bought the HPS yet...