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  1. Dillonwren

    My First Grow (Indoor)

    The plants each have a root showing through the bottom of the rockwool cubes, when should I plant them in soil?
  2. Dillonwren

    My First Grow (Indoor)

    Roots are showing through on the bottoms of the rockwool cubes
  3. Dillonwren

    My First Grow (Indoor)

    well its day 3 and my little guys(hopefully girls) are looking good and healthy. I will post pics when there are some more changes in growth.
  4. Dillonwren

    stupid question.

    how do I post pics in my threads?
  5. Dillonwren

    My First Grow (Indoor)

    I will hopefully have pics by tomorrow. I will have a separate grow tent similar to this one but taller with a 400W HPS for flowering but I may get a 600W if I can afford it. I have heard both good and bad about 24hr light and just went with the standard 18hr on 6 off but if it is truly a better...
  6. Dillonwren

    My First Grow (Indoor)

    To all who read I would greatly appreciate any and all input(I can take criticism). Seeds: 4 White Rhino and 1 Blue Widow I have a T5 4bulb 4' florescent light 18hrs on and 6hrs off. They are in a grow tent that could probably fit 10 mature plants. there is one 4" inline duct fan and one large...
  7. Dillonwren

    How much to grow for two- three pounds???

    this is fucking amazing....If I didn't already have equipment and a set up id definitely do this!
  8. Dillonwren

    First Grow

    Post some pics of that bad girl!!!
  9. Dillonwren


    yes, same as females. why would it be any different?
  10. Dillonwren

    What do you guys think about this equipment?

    ok so I am buying the equipment for my first grow and this is what I am looking at so far: COMPLETE 400 watt GROW TENT System Mother Keeper Complete Grow Tent System
  11. Dillonwren

    Extracting THC with liquid O2

    well I guess the procedure we are gunna be doing is basicly running the butain through a capped off pvc pipe with two holes in it but I dont know much more.
  12. Dillonwren

    Extracting THC with liquid O2

    well shows what I know, I know very little about hash making.
  13. Dillonwren

    Extracting THC with liquid O2

    My Buddy and I are guna make hash oil. we have looked and looked for 3X distilled butane but, no luck. we are curious if we could use compressed liquid O2 to extract the THC seeing as how its the cold from the compressed butane that is needed. will this work?
  14. Dillonwren

    Oh shit I fucked up

    guys the plants are in a 1 cubic inch pots, very small. they dry out very quick. the soil will be almost compleatly dry by the time I water them.
  15. Dillonwren

    Oh shit I fucked up

    Im pretty sure I am not over watering. My pots are 1 cubic inch and I water three times a day. by the time I water them the soil is reletively dry so they arent drowning. it happened when I forgot to water them three times and dint get to them at noon like I usually do.
  16. Dillonwren

    Oh shit I fucked up

    So I planted three seeds and only one sprouted. it got about as tall as a tooth pick before I fucked it up but heres what happened. So I was told by some people on the growery that I needed to move my plants closer to my CFL's which I agreed with but I made the mistake of forgetting to come home...
  17. Dillonwren

    help with UA (Urinal Analysis)

    there are products that will help you pass a piss test. My best friend took this stuff a few hours before a piss test and he passed( he smoked a few days before) I dont remember the name of the stuff but just do some google searching.
  18. Dillonwren

    Omg inspector comming tuesday!!!

    I have to agree here.
  19. Dillonwren

    HPS for both Veg and Flower

    I might try this
  20. Dillonwren

    Where can I get the fan I want?

    thanks bro, I'll do that. I have a Radioshack pretty close by.