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  1. hugger37

    Hermie! Good Picture of a Bad thing.

    one little flower ain't such a bad thing.
  2. hugger37

    not new but stuck

    try this ! time your sprinkler for once an hour for 10 minutes. there are bubbles from the airstone already hitting the netpots. let it do that for a couple of days and see what happens. i've done what you doing before and failed. are you using rockwool?
  3. hugger37

    not new but stuck

    looks like ph and over nute issues. you say your ph is 5.5 to 6.5? it should only be at one level. 5.8 works for me! say, does that sprayer work 24/7 or is it on a timer? you may be over watering as well.
  4. hugger37

    ease my mind on using alot of tiger bloom and the ph juice that must go with it!

    my tap ph is 5.8 and TB at 1000 ppm dropped 5 gallons to about 4.9. so thats almost a full point!
  5. hugger37

    ease my mind on using alot of tiger bloom and the ph juice that must go with it!

    i had the same problem! i used to run out of ph up before i ran out of tiger bloom.. the plants did fine,so your ok. thats just the way it is. i switched to general hydroponics and use just a bit of ph up now. but i grow ebb and flow. i don't know how your set up. but i'd say your good as long...
  6. hugger37

    Roots dissolving, help!!

    i had that happen to a DWC grow a while back! it sucked, and it was root rot from high rez temps. i removed the plants from the DWC and rinsed the roots with fresh water. that got all the rot off and the white roots were still under the green goo i washed off i put them back in the res and put...
  7. hugger37

    DWC roots are covered in mucas!!

    i'd like to see some pics. i have a sneaky suspicion that your water in your bucket/reservoir is not oxygenated enough. the water should be roiling in there. lots and lots of bubbles.i've had that problem and i went to a GH 4-way air pump to the water roiling and my problem was solved.
  8. hugger37

    leaves everywhere!

    dude, those plants are super healthy, keep it up!
  9. hugger37

    Water out of my tap at 8 PH!

    try catching rainwater into a's free and usually around 6.0 ph. just a thought!
  10. hugger37

    single fan leafed clone w/pics

    well i put her under the big light and will see what happens. her mother is almost done and lookin, well, just ok!i've done better. i think i may start the white rhino project. i've got 10 nirvana seeds dying to crack out! moms in the pic.
  11. hugger37

    Crab claws

    the crab claws turned out to be female calyxes. she's almost done now 10 weeks later
  12. hugger37

    single fan leafed clone w/pics

    i've got a clone of aurora indica that is growing single fan leaves! it's a healthy little girl but i'm thinkin it might not be worth the effort in the long run. maybe i'm wrong? i've got her in DWC at 2 weeks. PH 6.0-humidity 40-50- temp 65-75-FF Big Grow 1/4 strength nutes-under t5 flouros for...
  13. hugger37

    water source?

    i've done well on my first grow. i'm prepping for round two. where i live we catch the water off the roof and it goes into a water tank; then is pumped into the house. we don't have wells here. water ph is 6.0 at 50 to 100 ppm( it's rain water) my gutters have algae or mold in them all the time...
  14. hugger37

    aerogarden starts to dwc w/pics

    update at week 14.both dwc plants are about done. hairs are 1/2 red and i'm flushing for 2 weeks before i chop em. i used fox farm grow big for the 7weeks of veg,then ff big grow for flower. switched to 12/12 at week 7. i learned a lot on this project and thanks to rollitup and all the posters.i...
  15. hugger37

    Animal hairs all over plant, calyxes going brown and some wierd bug jizzing

    bug jiz and silverfish! i need pics! sounds interesting
  16. hugger37

    from the AG to the DWC is a piece of cake. i took 4 inch rock wool cubes ,cut a hole in it with...

    from the AG to the DWC is a piece of cake. i took 4 inch rock wool cubes ,cut a hole in it with a knife to allow the AG plug to fit in and stuff it in with it's roots. put the the cube in a 6 inch net pot/bucket lid with rocks around it and put it in a 5 gallon bucket with an airstone in the...
  17. hugger37

    Crab claws

    :shock: i've got couple of beauties in DWC week 6. one is definatley a female wth sweet little hair pistils, but the other one is showing, well, all i can say is they look like little crab claws or lobster claws with no hair coming out(yet, hopefully) i;ve cloned 4 off the female and 2 off the...
  18. hugger37

    Dwc Grow Club

    i'd like to chat about flushing; i've looked and looked and havn't found a straight answer. i've got 2 girls in 5 gal DWC and they are doin ok. my question is about how to flush the plant or roots. i keep the water about an inch or so under the pot and i've got roots all the way to the bottom...
  19. hugger37


    sweet i'm into easy.. that looks just like what i need. thanks
  20. hugger37

    Dwc Grow Club

    what do you think of this. 4 weeks into veg and these plants are short. unknown strain,but they are healthy and green i've got at least 1 girl and i'm stoked! ph 6.0-fox farm grow big nutes-400 hps