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  1. Douglas.Curtis

    Lazy Man's Way to Cleaner Hydroponic Cannabis

    OR How to Manage Roots In/Out Hydro Reservoirs With Ease Basics of Hydro Everyone complains, hydroponics takes a lot of time, is complicated to understand and difficult to maintain. I say hydroponics is simple and takes little time. The difference is in the reservoir management. Regardless of...
  2. Douglas.Curtis

    Holy OverFed Cannabis Batman! (Or: Watering is not the #1 Newbie Problem)

    Howdy Newbies, You Rock! Seriously, I can teach a new grower how to grow superior quality cannabis, much easier than a grower who has even a single year of experience. You have an empty cup. :) Learn to Read Your Plants Organic, Hydro, Soil, Soilless, Cannabis is the same. One of the main...