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  1. ElevatedLife

    D: Holes In Leaves, Pests? Please Help!

    Hi friends, Its day 21 Of veg. Ah! I'm currently battling thrips and as if this weren't bad enough I'm getting holes in my leaves! Overnight the damage that these critters do is insane! Theyre so hungry! Can anyone tell me what these holes would be from? And I'm worried about how to kill them...
  2. ElevatedLife

    How Do These Look? Amateur needing advice!!!

    Hey friends, How do my plants look? Any advice or tips? At this point I'm quite proud as I'm working with 0$ and huge amounts of heat and an apartment with no ac. And most pics I look up are smaller than my babies so I must be doing something right. I've grown about 3 times from bagseed but...
  3. ElevatedLife

    THRIPS!?!?! HELP!!!

    That's what I thought, I've just been smashing them. Its just the only thing I can think of because the rest of the plants are super healthy just this one is dying. It showed such vigor sprouting and then it just started dying.
  4. ElevatedLife

    THRIPS!?!?! HELP!!!

    And this is okay to apply to seedlings?
  5. ElevatedLife

    THRIPS!?!?! HELP!!!

    OK so I just started some new seedlings(every 30 days) and I'm beginning to worry because I'm finding tiny orange bugs that look like thrips. I've never had any pests as I am in soil and indoors on the 7th floor of a building, but the plants are developing really strange issues I've never seen...
  6. ElevatedLife

    Seedling Roots Growing Upwards.

    I def will I forgot to snap a pic this time but its really funny. Its a testament to how strong they are that I can dig them out, and replant them without damage. But I believe it may be the fact that I had dug into the soil once to make sure the runtd germinated?
  7. ElevatedLife

    Seedling Roots Growing Upwards.

    Hey friends. So id like to say I'm a pretty proficient grower after ten years of experience. But in my last few seed batches from nirvana, gorilla, and herbies(all 100% germ) I have had three seeds ive planted so far that have sprouted upside down even when they were planted correctly. I've...
  8. ElevatedLife

    Seedling Growth Slow? Advice needed please!

    Then I don't get why all these idiots are saying to put your lights a good away from these sized seedlings its ridiculous. I'm not having tap water poisoning issues from the chlorine or chloramine and I have only used tap water once and it basically stunted and made every single seedling I have...
  9. ElevatedLife

    Seedling Growth Slow? Advice needed please!

    From my understanding depending on strain and medium anywhere from 5.5 to 7?
  10. ElevatedLife

    Seedling Growth Slow? Advice needed please!

    Wow guys thanks for those responses. Very insightful. The picture you can't see the plants names or the drainage holes but both are included, my mom taught me the whole drainage thing. I actually gave each plant its own name cuz I'm a geek alike that. What I worry about is it seems that every...
  11. ElevatedLife

    Seedling Growth Slow? Advice needed please!

    Hey friends. My plants are growing real slow. This is my third grow so I'm still a new but I've always had plants stolen etc before flower. Anyway I'm feeling like my seedlings are growing ever so slowly and I'm wondering why (besides forgetting to turn the fan on and burning a few of them their...
  12. ElevatedLife

    Anyone Know Where I Can Get Some Seeds? :(

    Okay thanks man much appreciated.
  13. ElevatedLife

    Novice Grower Needing Starting Advice PLEASE:)

    I get it anywhere, but I never get soil that is pre muted, always organic. Any suggestions for in store brands I can find?
  14. ElevatedLife

    Novice Grower Needing Starting Advice PLEASE:)

    Hey bro I have a really important question I need to ask you but its to long to send in a message, do you have an email or something I can send the text to? IDK why but the forum limits to 420 characters lol.
  15. ElevatedLife

    Hey man can I ask you a question? My names Josh, and I wrote you a message but it wont let me...

    Hey man can I ask you a question? My names Josh, and I wrote you a message but it wont let me send it because its too long. In order for you to understand everything I need to send it all. Do you have an email or something I can send it to? Im not trying to ask for anything crazy so dont worry...
  16. ElevatedLife

    Anyone Know Where I Can Get Some Seeds? :(

    Blu3bird, choices in what? Sorry I didn't understand lol I'm durrrr today.
  17. ElevatedLife

    Anyone Know Where I Can Get Some Seeds? :(

    I didnt mean to be snappy but you never really know what someone is going through, and I hate having to tell people some long story of how im basically a sickly fucking gimp that is desperate for seeds because its embarrassing lol. I feel like I need to tell it because otherwise people just...
  18. ElevatedLife

    Gucci Mane is free!!!!! Peace & Love y'all.

    Gucci Mane is free!!!!! Peace & Love y'all.
  19. ElevatedLife

    Peace & Love

    Peace & Love
  20. ElevatedLife

    Anyone Know Where I Can Get Some Seeds? :(

    Lol I can just imagine a cop that is online right now like "I am so going to bust these marijuana fiends, the chief is going to love me". I would usually say they would NEVER do something as stupid as creeping online forums to bust people selling seeds BUT then a while ago I heard this story...