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  1. JanesRain

    What Do You Do About Asshole Drivers @ Night?

    What i the hell is asshole driving?
  2. JanesRain

    What Do You Do About Asshole Drivers @ Night?

    My insurance is jacked up enough without getting rear ended from playing break check. Especially these big trucks will just destroy my little sports car lol
  3. JanesRain

    What Do You Do About Asshole Drivers @ Night?

    I live in the Country and sure enough every fucking night some prick is tailgating me with his brights up. Usually I slow from 50 ish down to about 20 and theyll get the hint and pass me. One guy tonite followed me all the way down my street with his high beams on. I paused in the middle of the...
  4. JanesRain

    Can you smoke the leaf

    Use a strainer dude >_<
  5. JanesRain

    Why Don't They Just Sell Seeds For 1$?

    I mean, the plants produce thousands of seeds. Why charge 5-20$ PER seed when U can destroy the competition and just charge 1 or 2 dollars per seed? Seems dumb
  6. JanesRain

    is this mold?!

    Are you trying to kill someone? If you smoke bleach ur gona fucking die.
  7. JanesRain

    Favorite Song to Listen To Stoned?

    Whats ur song?
  8. JanesRain

    Is Selling Used Grow Equipment Safe?

    The fuck?
  9. JanesRain

    Whats Good To Combine With Weed? L tryptophan?

    PHISH hippies...ugh
  10. JanesRain

    Whats Good To Combine With Weed? L tryptophan?

    Fuck no. That is the nastiest tasting shit I have ever tried in my life. Even if you put it into capsules the taste will come up a bit, and the high is the same feeling as the taste. Just feels like you are on the verge of seasickness with mild euphoria.
  11. JanesRain

    Whats Good To Combine With Weed? L tryptophan?

    I am a little bored with the normal high. What herbs/ other substances go good with weed? Specifically sativa I have some l tryptophan I was thinking of taking a few an hour before I vape. Thoughts?
  12. JanesRain

    Why Are People On Other Drug Forums Such A**holes?

    You put your dick in the dirt. If it doesn't get pregnant then it's not a female
  13. JanesRain

    Is Selling Used Grow Equipment Safe?

    lol yeh. I would get paranoid as fuck every time i left my house, even for the smallest things. Sucks but hopefully people will wise up and legalize everywhere You get under the illusion that you can do something about it as long as you are home if they do raid you
  14. JanesRain

    Is Selling Used Grow Equipment Safe?

    FUCK. As soon as I sold it a bunch of cops swarmed my car and arrested me. They are trying to get a warrant to search my house now!!!! Omfg.... . Just kidding. The deal went smoothly and they were cool as fuck. Paid and thanked me, then went on their way :)
  15. JanesRain

    Is Selling Used Grow Equipment Safe?

    They will lab test that shit
  16. JanesRain

    Why Are People On Other Drug Forums Such A**holes?

    Eh. All shrooms ever did for me was about 5 minutes of bliss and complete mental patient insanity. Not very fun :o
  17. JanesRain

    Why Are People On Other Drug Forums Such A**holes?

    Was over on the shroomery. What a bunch of pricks :cuss::joint:bongsmilie
  18. JanesRain

    Is Selling Used Grow Equipment Safe?

    bongsmilie I haven't been high in like 4 days. Time to get out the old vape :P
  19. JanesRain

    Is Selling Used Grow Equipment Safe?

    Dude, if I was a bored cop in a small town all I have to do is hop on Craigslist and look at people selling drug related stuff. Contact them pretending to be interested and bam, you got a potentian arrest. Trust me the cops here are a bunch of losers. They are desperate
  20. JanesRain

    Is Selling Used Grow Equipment Safe?

    About 600$ worth of stuff for 250$.