Search results

  1. F

    39 day old Top 44's. Are they ok?

    They look perfect my man!! just finnished my 4'run whit top 44
  2. F

    First grow.. when should I harvest?

    look at your ticomes, they tell you. how long has it been on 12/12?
  3. F

    What's With Ice Dimples? (how clean's your bong?)

    astma.. I really cant spell when im high xp
  4. F

    What's With Ice Dimples? (how clean's your bong?)

    I have one percolator bong, and i just shake it whit some hot water inn it... shoud do the job... and i do this mabye 1-2 times a day, cant have dirty bongs and asma ;)
  5. F

    What's With Ice Dimples? (how clean's your bong?)

    just use hot water dude!! hot water pouring tru your bong fore 15 mins or so;)
  6. F

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    I have asma, and if i do hold it in to long, its gonna irreatate my lungs.. coughing drewling blaaah...
  7. F

    What Am I Doing Wrong?

    $bkbudz$ you are so on ponit dude!!