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    Joints. How to protect when on the go?

    I've become annoyed with how hard it is to keep a joint from being crushed in my daily travels. Anyone have a method to preserve this fine rolled specimen?
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    Why is Michael Myers so strong??

    He drinks tiger blood. Where did you think Charlie Sheen learned it from?
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    6 Reasons Why Exercise Is Better On Weed

    Smoking right after the gym is relaxing. You just got all your exercise done for the day.... now time to eat!
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    Type II Diabetes ... what now ?

    Try adding Braggs organic apple cider vinegar to your diet. It has been known to help flush out your digestive system and promote health in a variety of ways.
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    Anyone Here Use Probiotics?

    I have been lactose intolerant most of my life. Probiotics has helped with the digestion of lactose and I generally feel healthier after supplementing them.