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  1. Hapi

    Pistil/ trichome confusion

    i will and thanks again
  2. Hapi

    Pistil/ trichome confusion

    arent receding pistils more important than what color they are?
  3. Hapi

    Pistil/ trichome confusion

    thanks been confused about this trich thing and the desired result im looking to achieve. Should I wait unitl the pistils have receded 80% isnt that more important than color change? plant is small buds havent grown much in a week....
  4. Hapi

    Pistil/ trichome confusion

    Okay well when they come in any advice is appreciated!
  5. Hapi

    Pistil/ trichome confusion

    Okay so I'm in my 4th harvest, been growing since June, doing research before I began and as I go along. So I'm going to post pics because I have a feeling I'm harvesting too soon with some plants that give a super nice heady high to some that I barely notice. Ive been using bagseed for practice...
  6. Hapi

    4th generation GG

    I think that's just the lighting....they're pretty green, planted in FF and 19 days old....should I fertilize already? I was thinking another week?
  7. Hapi

    Love how each generation improves on the last.....

    Love how each generation improves on the last.....
  8. Hapi

    4th generation GG

    Thanks so much for the encouragement!!!
  9. Hapi

    4th generation GG

    This is after 3 generations of plants with the oldest in flowering. After much trial and error, (the first were stretched, stringy things) i have what I think is a very healthy seedling. This one is 19 days from germination, FF soil, 24( changing to 18/6 starting tmrw) with beneficials at...