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  1. JaxMouse

    New to DWC. A water question.

    Hey fellers. I’m trying my hand in DWC for the first time. I have a Rubbermaid tote with an air stone in it. The water is about an inch below the bottom of the pot. There’s about an inch of rock and then a cube with the plant in it. It’s about 1/2” to 3/4” tall after about 2 days but doesn’t...
  2. JaxMouse

    Issue Over The Past Two Weeks

    So about two weeks ago I had to take the plants out of the house and into the garage due to a home renovation project. Plants were fine and dandy leading up to that. I put them in a garbage bag and put them in the garage for no more than 24 hours and it didn’t get colder than 50F that night. But...
  3. JaxMouse

    Thinking of trying LED from HPS. Any info helps.

    Hey there peeps. I have a little grow going on in the room under the stairs. Currently using a 400w HPS and growing some Blueberry and Skunk #1 from Seedsman. I started them on September 3rd. I have an oscillating fan in there and a 4” exhaust fan sucking out. But those temperature get so damn...
  4. JaxMouse

    Rollitup and Tapatalk

    Hey there guys. New member here and have been browsing quite consistently. Love the site. And I've ran a search and found nothing. Not too sure if this is the best section for this question. For the last few weeks I have been using the Tapatalk app to check out the site because it always...