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  1. legendarycat

    Weird Stoner Cartoons

    Super Jail rules! If you dig super jail, check out Metalocalypse. But only if you like Metal and bloody humor. My go to stoned show is Samurai Jack, the animation is beautiful and the stories are really simple. I think there are still some episodes on Netflix. I love old school cartoons.
  2. legendarycat

    Human Settlement on Mars

    I really hope that this is something that we get to see take place successfully in our lifetimes. I was actually just reading a Neil DeGrasse Tyson essay about life in the universe, and according to some recent data that the Mars Curiosity rover just brought back, Mars' climate actually used to...
  3. legendarycat

    The Future of Smoking Devices

    As a Colorado native, I've been seeing all sorts of crazy new smoking (and growing) technologies coming out recently. It seems like the creativity of stoners is boundless! I have a buddy who makes these amazing pipes that have a 3D printed shell and are basically indestructible. They're called...