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  1. S

    Fem,male or hermie ?

    ]Thank you!! I grow outside. I have thirysome other plants and they were all treated very gently, from seeds. They all get the same light and water. We have been lucky with enough rainfall that I didn't need to carry water in. I guess the less I am there, the less chance of a problem. Three...
  2. S

    Fem,male or hermie ?

    Thank you!! I grow outside. I have thirysome other plants and they were all treated very gently, from seeds. They all get the same light and water. We have been lucky with enough rainfall that I didn't need to carry water in. I guess the less I am there, the less chance of a problem. Three...
  3. S

    Fem,male or hermie ?

    I guess my question is, don't normal male plants show their sex in the first two months or so? The plant I am referring to was from a feminised seed. It had little buds on it, three weeks ago, then yesterday I find a seven foot tall male, with MANY pollen sacks! Is this a hermie? I have...
  4. S

    Fem,male or hermie ?

    Thank you SO much for your help, jacksass! Can ANYONE who knows something, please explain why this occurred. I am very worried about the other thirty plants!
  5. S

    Fem,male or hermie ?

    I am about a month away from harvest. I had not checked the plants for about three weeks. Yesterday, I found a 7 ft male? It was just ready to open the pollen sacks. Three weeks ago it looked like a female. WTF?
  6. S

    Bud Trimmer review....the "TrimBot"

    Thank you for your help!!! REALLY!!!
  7. S

    Bud Trimmer review....the "TrimBot"

    JJ, I just bought the same trimmer as you did. I can't get it to work properly! How fresh do the buds need to be? Is there a way to adjust the grate or the blades to be closer to the buds? I am stuck with a bunch of plants that are almost ready to go but my "trim bot" doesn't work properly...