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    Resin Lips

    you've either got too much or too little water in there and it's splashing, assuming your using a bong. if it's a pipe ash is inevitable unless you have a screen. joints leave shit in your mouth if you roll up a bad roach.
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    ps3 while high

    I play COD4 online all the time when im baked. Im on my 10th prestige at level 55 which is as high as you can get. ive got 62000 kills...hhaha
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    f#ck, I BROKE the golden rule, and now I pay for it

    Golden Rule? That is a poor way of conducting yourself, my friends are my friends because i do whatever i want and they're still there, not judging me. You need to step up your little social circle, although you are only in school anyway so you'll find real life to be different. I've got...
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    first time getting stoned

    the first time i got high, but the second time i ever smoked, was at hungry jacks when i was 15ish, we got high in this outdoor place that had held the dumpster for our work. i remember walking back in to work heading down the aisle and tripping over a box, me and my boy laughed our heads off. i...
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    getting parents used to weed

    I smoke with my dad and more often than not buy his weed for him, my mum is scarily against it though. from what ive learned, you wont change her mind, just get eye drops, breath mints and a safe session spot and you'll be sweet.
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    ive been smoking all day, now im not getting high

    mmm im not really a moderation smoker, its been a few grams each day everyday lately, tolerance isnt really a problem. i'll try again in the morning. i thought this was a forum for advocates of smoking chiba anyway? what the fuck is this "stop smoking so much" stuff?
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    ive been smoking all day, now im not getting high

    ive sat on my couch all day watching foxtel, smoking cones and eating junk food. i think being couch ridden is fucking with me because i just whipped 4 billy's and didnt feel shit, i just had another one and i only realised i just wasted 5 cones. anyone get this occasionally? this is the...
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    Where's the craziest place you've smoked weed?

    i used to get high on the oval of my school at lunch, in full view of the staffroom. kind of backfired though as i got caught by the school and drug tested for 6 months. i've also smoked in a big rock formation on the beach using sea water in the bong, then we trekked back and chilled at the...
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    You know you're a pothead when:

    ^^^ i've seen a .gif of a dude taking a hit out of a vagina bong, shit was epic. i'll try and find it.
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    You know you're a pothead when:

    damn, that hash joint is fucking awesome. you know you're a pothead when you read a "desperate times call for desperate measures when getting high" thread, which then prompts you to go scrape your bong for a smoke...which i did about 30 minutes ago
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    ICURBYOUs WhiteWidow CFL dresser growbox

    Only because it hasn't dried out, smells pretty piney when its moist. Awesome fucking grow journal man, i spent the last few hours reading your thread, great work. Hope she yeilds well.