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  1. Pac Chuk

    Email e at [email protected]

  2. Pac Chuk

    Pure Sativa Thread

    Wat u think of girls scout cookies???!!!
  3. Pac Chuk

    Pure Sativa Thread

    What do you ugys. thinkof cgirl sout cookies??
  4. Pac Chuk

    What's ur facebook??

    What's ur facebook??
  5. Pac Chuk

    What's ur number and name??

    What's ur number and name??
  6. Pac Chuk

    Pure Sativa Thread

    Nice plant my amnesia
  7. Pac Chuk

    Philippines Growing

    Let me have ur #?
  8. Pac Chuk

    Where. uFrom?

    Where. uFrom?
  9. Pac Chuk

    Amnesia Haze 1 day old!!

    How much did u get Andrew off amnesia?
  10. Pac Chuk

    Amnesia Haze 1 day old!!

    When do u clone tho?
  11. Pac Chuk

    Amnesia Haze 1 day old!!

    When. Can I start cloning
  12. Pac Chuk

    Amnesia Haze 1 day old!!

    What you guys think?
  13. Pac Chuk

    Pure Sativa Thread

    Where can i get the seeds for that? What thc % is it? What you think of chocolope for laughing a lot??
  14. Pac Chuk

    5 Amnesia Haze Ladies: A Complete Indoor Grow and Smoke Report

    Which 3 I should go with sour d amnesia haze or white widow??
  15. Pac Chuk

    Pure Sativa Thread

    What sativa strain willmake your ass laugh a lot??
  16. Pac Chuk

    Pure Sativa Thread

    durbz arent even potent sativa! what about amnesia haze?, I heard its medicinal herb.. what you think?
  17. Pac Chuk


    any feedbacks on ilgm
  18. Pac Chuk

    Pure Sativa Thread

    wat seedbank
  19. Pac Chuk

    Pure Sativa Thread

    what is the best 100% sativas out there that will make you laugh a lot??