Search results

  1. Nummingtons

    Anyone else hate The Last Jedi as much as I did?

    Okay I know this movie is old by now to most of you, but I just got around to watching it on Net Flix. This is one heaping pile of dog shit. I mean one steaming grotesque peanut filled pile of dog shit. I never though that I would say this but I miss Jar Jar lol. I wasn't a fan of the last one...
  2. Nummingtons

    Anyone else like to get baked and watch Star Trek?

    I was wondering if I am the only nerd stoner out there that likes to get high and watch Star Trek. Been watching voyager all day I'm digging it, im in season 4 now. Gotta love 7 of 9, that is one hot ass chick. I feel like they got back to the old school with voyager, I love TNG but Picard was...
  3. Nummingtons

    Does anyone hate Alton Brown from food network as much as I do?

    Fuck Alton Brown right up is tight pretentious ass. We'll probably blown out ass but you get the point. I don't understand how a guy who presents himself as a scholar has somehow never taken a speech class. Let me help you out Alton when public speaking you should not say uh every other word...
  4. Nummingtons

    Looking For A Good Book

    Hey everyone I was wondering if any of you can point me in the direction of a good book on the subject of cannabis cultivation. I would really like a book that goes deep into the science behind growing cannabis if possible. Thank you all in advance for your replies.
  5. Nummingtons

    Heat Problems

    Hello everyone I am having some real heat issues and I'm not sure why anymore. I have a room that is split down the middle by a wall that I built, obviously one side is my flower room and the other a veg and work area. The flower side is the side that I am having issues with as it has much more...