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  1. coloradolivin

    "Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use"

    the fact is joe biden doesnt like pot smokers, to the point where hauls off and fires 5 of them even though you know damn well those 5 put in man-hours and labor for him. trump fired people who bad-mouthed him, and looking back that is a much better reason to fire someone than puffing on a few...
  2. coloradolivin

    "Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use"

    looking back in hindsight it is clear that trump was the good guy. people really want to believe that he was unpopular, and joe biden got 81 million votes. they are entitled to their opinion, just as I am entitled to mine.
  3. coloradolivin

    trump took 100+ vacation days this year. how many did you get?

    so andrew mccabe, who has worked at the FBI for over 20 years just resigned why? because he had to admit, under oath, that they could not get wiretaps on trump campaign without the "russian dossier" even though they knew the russian dossier was never actually verified has anyone on this website...
  4. coloradolivin

    A civil debate?

    WOW. so you're telling me theres one group that does all the work and supports everyone else through taxes........and then there is hillary voters
  5. coloradolivin

    A civil debate?

    internal revenue service election data
  6. coloradolivin

    A civil debate?

    counties are not people states are not people voters are people trump voters paid more taxes than they take in tax funded services hillary voters take more in taxes than they pay in just because a trump voter lives in a county that went hillary does not negate his economic output just because a...
  7. coloradolivin

    mueller wants to interview trump

    wow, you completely avoided the elephant in the room that is peter strzok well done for one-upping the status quo of stupidity.
  8. coloradolivin

    A civil debate?

    trump voters paid more taxes than they take in tax funded services hillary voters take more in taxes than they pay in
  9. coloradolivin

    mueller wants to interview trump

    "Flynn, who pleaded guilty in December to lying to the FBI about his conversations with the Russian ambassador." and who interviewed flynn? peter strzok, who has now been fired from the trump russia investigation because he was trying to sabotage trump the entire time what do you say to that...
  10. coloradolivin

    mueller wants to interview trump

    sorry, I have a memory longer than a goldfish. why do I care about trump officials? that just sounds like a name you gave to someone to make it seem scary. papadopolous never met trump and wasnt even hired by him and the other guy apparently got fired by trump when he lied so again, when july...
  11. coloradolivin

    mueller wants to interview trump

    and after july, if there are no charges against trump. will you finally admit that the russia thing is a hillary fantasy that got taken way too far?
  12. coloradolivin

    Judge dismisses all charges against Bundy's no retrial

    wow the obama administration was just NOT COOL
  13. coloradolivin

    trump took 100+ vacation days this year. how many did you get?

    if everything trump does is bad then why do you want him on the clock
  14. coloradolivin

    22 million americans have lost health care under trump

    the only group in history to defeat the nazis were white supremacists can you say moral dilemma
  15. coloradolivin

    White people, particularly men:

    white people, particularly men
  16. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    A republican won wisconsin. that is enough to give all americans pause!
  17. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

  18. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    theres a theory that barron is the only trump to receive 50 immunization shots as a month year old, and has autism as a result. Im pretty sure trump has posted a anti-vaxx tweet (something I disagree with him on)
  19. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    not only did people vote for trump, they voted for legal weed! 2 cool :clap:
  20. coloradolivin

    Donald Trump

    Does anyone know about bohemian grove? Every president since 1920 has had a direct connection to it. Trump just broke a 100 year curse!!!