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  1. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hey guys, our head grower agreed to jump on here and answer all of the questions directly instead of having me middle man the answers. and fair point about internet use at work haha I do have things to do. anyways his name is Kevin, he should be on here later tonight (after work) or tomorrow...
  2. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    buncha good questions there give me 5 min and I'll have some answers from our head grower -George
  3. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Thats definitely a question for our head grower. Ill pass it along to him and get back to you -George
  4. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    We've got our clones in rockwool and yeah its a recirculating system
  5. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    The company is still pretty small so I have to wear a couple hats. I do packaging and shipping part time and shadow the operations director the rest of the time, more or less as his assistant. I should ask for proper job title at some point haha
  6. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    I don't follow what you mean. Can you re-phrase in anyway?
  7. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    We use a drip-feed system for our plants. If you've got any other questions I can ask our head grower for you :)
  8. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hi CraftyBiatch the situation you just described is exactly why we test everything before its sold. Heavy metal, fungal spores and bacterial counts DO matter for patients. It's less of an issue when your talking recreational use.
  9. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    "Mouldy weed can kill you" as discussed on RIU
  10. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    No excuses, just (strict) regulation. That said, I definitely believe that recreational use will become legal and open in Canada.
  11. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    K I gotta ask. What is a "shill" / I hope I'm not a shill? lol
  12. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    $6.25 a gram for our Purple Kush. (plus a good chance of swinging a discount if you can talk to "John" about compassionate pricing) but yeah thats still no price comparison if you are fortunate enough to be growing for your self at $2-$3 a gram Thanks for the kind words tho! I do appreciate...
  13. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Just asked our head grower about the nutrients and the pythium concern... Our nutrient feeds don't qualify as organic, but apparently getting the organic certification is no easy feat either. <--- Orgnaic regulations in Canada And it seems that pythium...
  14. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    haha well I'm not here to throw a fit. Also if anyone wants to look me up on facebook to chat about growing, feel free. (George Anstey on FB too)
  15. George Anstey

    Hey man I'm real happy to see that the God Kush is up to par! Are there any strains in...

    Hey man I'm real happy to see that the God Kush is up to par! Are there any strains in particular that you'd like to see on the Broken Coast roster?
  16. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    I'll ask our head grower for you, I honestly don't know if our nutrient feeds qualify for an organic certification.
  17. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Definitely dried/cured
  18. George Anstey

    Broken Coast/Greenleaf Medicinals total redemption

    Hi BcBreeder The certified "no irradiation" guarantee from our CEO is a pretty good idea. Seems like a lot of people are hung up on that particular aspect. Might have an answer for you later today :) -George