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    New here, first grow. Purple haze CFL closet grow

    pic of them today

    New here, first grow. Purple haze CFL closet grow

    well I decided to revamp my whole grow. thanks fort he info bud, we shall see where this goes I guess. I wanted to do a DWC from the start but thought to start with soil. Since these are still young I decided to switch over to DWC rite now anyways. now here is the setup. simple bin with lid...

    New here, first grow. Purple haze CFL closet grow

    Here is a pic from today

    New here, first grow. Purple haze CFL closet grow

    I got the seeds from the i love growing marijuana website. I thought i saw somewhere not to post links to seed sites but thats where i got em. I got 3 feminized purple haze seeds. All sprouted fine all three are growing. But they just seem slow to grow.

    New here, first grow. Purple haze CFL closet grow

    Hahah yeah it was supposed to say "3-4 days". My bad. I will have to look to see where the seeds came from i got em a while ago and dont recal exactly where they came from. Standby for that.

    New here, first grow. Purple haze CFL closet grow

    I have no clue how the growth rate is or how big they should be but ive seen other "3 week" plants that are taller and bigger. But i know there is a grey area with people saying how old their plants are and i started these from seed not clones so maybe im confused

    New here, first grow. Purple haze CFL closet grow

    Oh and the ics arefrom yesterday dec 29

    New here, first grow. Purple haze CFL closet grow

    Hey buddy, seeds were germed on dec 6. Planted about 34 days later. So they are about three weeks or so along.

    New here, first grow. Purple haze CFL closet grow

    I have been lurkin the board for abit and I wanna say thanks to everyone here, I have gained loads of intel and ideas from all of you. I have some experience with Bonsai but that's the extent of my knowledge, this is my first grow. I figured I would start from scratch literally and ordered...