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  1. tynen

    Pinapple Express Auto Training Advice?

    I haven't topped yet. Any kind of reduction is frowned upon for autos (from my knowledge)
  2. tynen

    Pinapple Express Auto Training Advice?

    Hey guys! I've got a Pinapple Express Auto that is currently in day 12 since sprouting from the ground (from seed). I'm using Fox Farm potting soil, FloraMicro nutes, 2 X 300 WAT MarsHydro 24/0. I heard that LST was the only training method for Auto plants, this is the method I want to try with...
  3. tynen

    Re-flower after harvest?

    I think MonkeyGrinder answered here
  4. tynen

    Welcome New Members!

    Hello! I'm new here. I"m glad I found this site! :)
  5. tynen

    Re-flower after harvest?

    I just found a blog post about monster cropping: it sounds really interesting, but it's not really what I'm asking. It could be combined with what I'm thinking though!! Would the plant who's colas and such were ripped off grow more???
  6. tynen

    Re-flower after harvest?

    Hello! I just signed up for this forum, and I've already read a lot of quality posts! I'm excited to become a part of the community! Here's my first question so far: Can you re-veg and re-flower from a plant that's been harvested? Or is it a complete waste of time? Does the bud from a second...