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  1. alienpoison

    Art of making the best Joint ever

    Hope this gives inspiration to da brotherhood of Jah
  2. alienpoison

    Ultimate Strains

    What strain do u think is da Ultimate one in any growers garden? I for one likes da Purple ones!
  3. alienpoison


    Well as I say I'm still green and need to learn allot still from the World of Cannabis growing! I'm into the purple strains. I think growing a Purple Haze is the Ultimate ! I'd like to learn the finer points in growing a epix bud with flavour and a high THC level! So this is a part of me
  4. alienpoison

    [FONT=andy] ART GET SOUL

    When I do my art I try to put soul into my work! My art is not just of the Happyness Leaves, I do Dark/ Goth just depends on the mood I'm in! I think my best art is "the unspoken words" where a pix says a 1000 words
  5. alienpoison

    When ART comes Alive

    I am da Master of my creations! All my pix iv designed is of my own ideas and how I see the world! Enjoy
  6. alienpoison

    Home made Reflector

    I'm always looking for new ideas and tips on how to grow your weed , you take a empty coke can and cut it open! In my pix I'll add you can see it step for step So get cracking and make you one