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  1. M

    Harvest Time? Pics!

    Hey guys, I was wondering what your thoughts are regarding harvest time. The Trics are mostly cloudy. A few ambers show on sugar leaves but none on the buds. All the pics are Blue OG, and the one that isn't as far along is og-18. The 18 is a really slow flowerer. Sorry the pics aren't the...
  2. M

    Advice Needed! Apartment Grow and a/c repair man coming tomorrow!

    In my upstairs I have a 3x5 tent with a 2x4 flow table operating in it. My entire a/c system is in the downstairs of my duplex. There is an air intake in the grow room tho. I have a lock on the door so it cannot be opened unless you have a key. Is there any reason that the ac repair man...