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  1. flatrider

    Weed is best when your fresh

    enough siad... This maybe why wake and bakes are so raved about.....lolololololollollolololololololololollolololololololololololololololololololololololololollolololololololoololoolHAHAHAHAHA!!HAAAHAHAHAlololololololololololol
  2. flatrider

    The things you do for weed

    Its like I am hooked on crack.. I have done some real bad things I feel guilty for just to get herb. It wasn't so bad when I worked full time but when your unemployed and dont have the luxury to grow your own and a avid smoker. being broke is horrible.. being sober is horrible. dam life sure has...
  3. flatrider

    best flowering fertilizer?

    I know the fox farms line is the most raved about fertilizer. But I am from Canada, most places do not carry this line of product. So what other flowering ferts have you had great success with? or heard from other growers? I'm thinking Canna is a good line or products. Maybe I'm wrong? Any feed...
  4. flatrider

    Sunsystem 2 ? In Canada

    I have only been able to find these units online in the states.. Now I'm quite paranoid ordering from the states. Anyone own one from Canada how did you get it? thanks for the help.
  5. flatrider


    yo wat u sayin. movfaka this site is tha shit nome sayin Bzz sayin sayin coagulation n hambugers nome saying J ~ Roc ite
  6. flatrider

    People that smoke weed no shit about weed.

    No hard feelings. not trying to be a b!tich. I'm 24 now smoking bud hear in Canada since the early teen years practically everyday. I have bought from many different dealers and with all sorts of different personalities. I know and been around a lot of tokers .. yet I cannot talk about the...
  7. flatrider

    how did you choose your user name?

    I see alot of usernames that dont make much sence...
  8. flatrider

    1gram of hash = ?

    is it worth the EXtra money? how much is a gram of hash in equivalent to bud? I heard 1 gram of hash produces the same effect as smoking 5 grams of bud? anyone have any idea? I guess there are many variables... I just want an estimate. thanks guys
  9. flatrider

    1 gram of hash = ?

    is it worth the EXtra money? how much is a gram of hash in equivalent to bud? I heard 1 gram of hash produces the same effect as smoking 5 grams of bud? anyone have any idea? I guess there are many variables... I just want an estimate. thanks guys
  10. flatrider

    So I was watching the show "DEA"

    And they did use a helicopter with infrared to get a warrant on this house for a grow op. there has been deabte on these forums before about authorities useing infrared.. and alot of you siad they don;t.. well this show has answered my question. anyways sorry for the useless thread, Im blazed
  11. flatrider

    remember guy's

    Just stick with weed.. dont go doing the "other drugs" because weed is just not cutting it no more... stick with weed, anything else will fuck up your life!
  12. flatrider

    useing a card to roll joints..

    I dont know why I get frowned apoun while useing a card to crease my joint for a perfect roll.. it seems to work very well.
  13. flatrider

    Can you smoke a one paper all to yourself in one sitting?

    Not a pinner but one around the size of a cigarette? I'm no newb.. been smoking everday pretty much for 8 years and still cant seem to finish a one paper all to myself in one sitting I usualy start feeling guilty halfway through and put it out. :cry:
  14. flatrider

    alcohol takes the paranoia away..

    been smoking weed everyday for years.. now I have been drinking and mixing the two.. its a much more powerful high and I dont get the bad thoughts I usually did with just bud alone.. my body has goten used to the two mixed together and its lovely... I used to get sick as a dog!! start drinking...
  15. flatrider

    Drunks anonymous

    <P>Hi my name is flatrider and I have beome a Acoholic lately.. I cant seem to toke without my booze... I never used to like Alcohol.. I think im started to develop a problem since all my family has issues with booze, It just makes me have a who gives a <A href="mailto:F@ck">F@ck</A> attitude...
  16. flatrider

    So I just keep tokin

    I usually dont toke a bunch in one sitting as I find once i get to a certin point I no longer get High, but when I keep tokin I start trippin thinking im going to die and my heart is pounding and it jst stops beating and i feel like im going to have an aneursym in my brain, my brain begins to...
  17. flatrider


    after years of smoking everyday, I have been so used to being high that when im sober I can put my self into a "High" state of mind. So now im going to ease on the smoking. bongsmilie
  18. flatrider

    whats going on hear..?

    whats with the hate against fdd, and immaturity hear, is this just some random immature 12 year old ? how come he isnt banned yet? supposingly fdd2blk is a cop? whats the harm of a place on the net were stoners socialize? how muh harm are we doing? lots of wierd things on the net
  19. flatrider

    I think im becoming an alcoholic

    I never liked drinking in my teen years im now 23 and this year im drinking hard liqour everyday, it seems to ease the paranoia when I toke, and i just like mixing the two, im very disaointed in my self and hope this doesnt last as my whole family has alcoholism issues, im going to look on...
  20. flatrider

    my bud smells like burnt rubber!

    anyone else ever had herb smell like this? maybe theres a particular strain that smells like rubber.burnt rubber.. its kinda wierd.