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  1. K

    Smoking dank dank dankkkkkk nugs ;)

    Wish I knew, if I remember I will ask him next time I see him. But check this stuff out, lol.. Just got it today, have no idea of the strain but 125 an ounce sounds right ;) Really crystally with thick visible crystals, skunky weed, the bag leaves the room lingering with the aroma! Great stuff...
  2. K

    Smoking dank dank dankkkkkk nugs ;)

    Just picked this stuff up and check it out! Amazing shit, the guy said the strain name was BB2 or somehting but I don't really know. Its just really good lol, and that picture of the two buds in my hand is the bud I had before this. Everything is really smelly, stinks up the whole house when I...