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  1. M

    ok thanks a lot for that if im able to ill rep u.

    ok thanks a lot for that if im able to ill rep u.
  2. M

    hey im in veg for over a month. im waiting a long time to flower...yeah that does answer my...

    hey im in veg for over a month. im waiting a long time to flower...yeah that does answer my question almost but to clearify, you only cut on the main stem only right, no other part of the plant is cut..right?
  3. M

    multiple colas please answer

    this is what i mean compared to the other appearences of flowering marijuana.
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    multiple colas please answer

    i have a indica sativa hybrid. i know topping produces 2 colas instead of the traditional one cola and FIM produces many more. my question is, do you only cut at the main stem? no side branches? or do you top at the side branches?..ive seen different plants that looked topped but they have many...
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    hps system

    can anyone tell me where i can get a hps system other than online.. any stores?
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    ok fellas i took your advice and got more lights. i had 2 26-30w 6500k cfls on one plant. now i had 5 6500k cfl on every side of the plant including the top. i know it will produce more heat so my fan is running so im just hoping adding more lights will really help. is there anything physically...
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    i dont know what the strain is, my friend gave it to me, all i know is it has both sativa and indica leaves but relatively short not tall. what would u consider for bigger lights..excluding mh and hps, i prefer not to spend the money on these so i'd keep it to cfl..just get bigger watt cfl...
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    im using 3 26w 6500k daylight cfl and 1 30w 2700k cfl, fan, distilled water, one plant, its a mix strain turning purple all over. with what i have, im looking to yield max amount of bud i can, so theoretically, how long, height would i have to grow until i can yield an oz, 2oz, qp, or more? of...
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    1 plant light

    what would be the best amount of CFL's i use for 1 plant. right now i have my 1 plant on 2 30w cfl this good enough, i dont plant to use anymore as of now.
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    female or male

    tomorrow will be 2 weeks since ive been flowering and i cant see any sex signs. first plant was male and that showed around the 7th day but 3 others theres no hairs or balls showing. whats up with that i thought you usually see the sex by now?
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    4 plants, 1 week flowering, im pretty sure the first pic is a male. the others im still not sure about, the others have split end hairs but i see no "white hairs". provided pics because if it is a male i want to throw it away asap. if i have a hermy, can i still grow it with a 100%female because...
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    its a male but how bout the others???

    yo felllas heres the deal. i woke up and found small balls that formed between the top node so im pretty sure its a male. i would like confirmation by someone else, if so, im throwing it away. the other 3 have capsule structures but they split like spit end hairs, could they be female? 4 plants...
  13. M

    clone in flowering ?

    hey whats up guys, my plants are 5days into flowering and i'm thinking they are all between the nodes are small fine pointed split hair like structures no signs of male footballs forming. but anyway my question is when is the latest i can clone?
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    1mo yeild?

    ok thanks guys ill add some more lights.
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    1mo yeild?

    im using 4 23watt Cfls on 4 plants about 3" away from the tops, used miracle grow because its all i had and distilled water every 3 days or when needed. miracle grow works good for me others say it sucks but its my first time so i dont mind too much. what im asking is my plants are 10" right...
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    1mo yeild?

    My plants are indica and the strain is some type of kush so i've been told. theres 4 and each are about 11". i know if i let them grow more ill get more buds but i dont mind it i just kind of want to see what will happen, now. so has anyone have an idea or previous experience, if they are all...
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    will repp u for help flower at 1mo

    ok thanks guys. the light is 3" away from the closest one and 6"from the furthest one but ill take the advice and let them grow for another week or two and see what happens.
  18. M

    will repp u for help flower at 1mo

    thanks guys, but no i didnt know that but when i am able to rep ill get back to you guys.
  19. M

    will repp u for help flower at 1mo

    4-5wks veg, indica plant, 1 is 10" other 3 is 8". used miracle grow. 4 Cfls 23w. distilled watering every 2-3days or when needed. 18/6hr. got bud from nyc and grew the seeds, told it was a mr nice guy kush strain(never heard of that before). anyway, minor problems 1 yellow spot on 1 leaf, stems...