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    EBB n GROW?

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    I have been growing this female blueberry for about 3-5 months now with it's about 10 th week in flowering. It's in a 2 gallon bucket and about 10 26-65 cfls watts in there all 2700k but it has appeared to stop growin for about 4 week now. The tri's are orange and white'sclear looking it smells...
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    My babies take alook

    thanks hopefully it will grow out good
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    My babies take alook

    These are my baby's that iv had. They have 3 100watt and one 65 watt light with 18 on 6 off. Iv just added 1/4 teaspoon of MC Water soulble nutes with distilled water and they seem to like it. It's in promix soil. How do they look? This one i stunted the growth and its now recovering.
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    Look at my babies

    These are my baby's that iv had. They have 3 100watt and one 65 watt light with 18 on 6 off. Iv just added 1/4 teaspoon of MC Water soulble nutes with distilled water and they seem to like it. It's in promix soil. How do they look? This one i stunted the growth and its now recovering.
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    Quick Question

    nobody knows??? I really plan on goin this coimin up thanksgivings and buying that judges pass for like 175 i believe?
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    Quick Question

    I didnt now where to put this but it's about the 2009 cannabis cup. Where should i get the number to call ask questions. Does anybody know if there still havin it this thanksgiving.
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    Was going good but now look, help me out

    its now growing 3 leaves i believe its an low rider. its still like an inch thow i wounder what strain it is? im gunna start adding nutes to it 2morow or the next day when ever it needs watering.
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    Was going good but now look, help me out

    yup, the spot is an very dark green that feels rough compared to the rest of it and the other leaf has small looking orange spots on them. Could it be my ph value in the water cause im gunna pick up an test kit 2morrow. Should i give it any plant food yet or let it go. It seems like it gets...
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    Was going good but now look, help me out

    my temps are about 65-70 and i water it when ever it needs it meaning i wait till th soil gets dry i use distalled water only.
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    Was going good but now look, help me out

    i need some expert advice on this
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    Was going good but now look, help me out

    I have it on an light cycle of 18on 6off with my 2 cfl's are 100 watt each 3200 lumens total and in promix soil with no added nutes yet except for whats in the soil. They were going good untill this happened. They are turning pale with orane spots on the ends of them and the 2 petals below are...
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    Is this okay??

    the promix bag says "dont feed for up to 3 weeks" and i was woundering if i should start feeding soon cause aperantly it says that statement? Ill let it be till next monday and then start adding some nutes.
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    Is this okay??

    im keeping the 2 cfls hanging above 3 inch's from the plant and the 2 petals are turning yellow they should fall off i heard but the main first 2 big leafs with jagged edges are turning like crisp at the ends they feel britle and there are 2 more small leaves forming between the other 2 big...
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    Is this okay??

    i water when needed when the soil is dry and i been using distalled water too.
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    Is this okay??

    what do people recomend for plant food at lowes, local stores ect...
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    Is this okay??

    its the promix that says dont feed for up to 3 weeks then go an get some food, my friend is using Mieracle grow plant food mixing it with is water and misting his, im gunna get some of that. He had his in an small cup you can see the root system developing really good and his plant grew straight...
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    Is this okay??

    i just transplaneted them into an way smaller pot so the root can develop and it will grow straight up with proper leaves
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    Is this okay??

    Im using promix soil with an medium size ceramic pot. Im using no plant food what so ever right now cause it's been planted for 3 weeks now with 2 100 watt cfl's give off an total of 3200 lumens about 2 inch's from it. It's on 18 on 6 off. I have been watering daily when the soil is dry but it...
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    Light question

    its an 37 gallon purple tote lined with mylar