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  1. F

    What?!? All females?

    I germinated 9 bag seeds and crossed my fingers that 3 or 4 of them would be female. The plants have been doing really well and I moved them to the flower room 10 days ago. When I checked on them today not only did I see the familiar hairs but they were all developing bud sites all over and...
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    I wasnt talking about ragging on someone who deserves it, I was talking about people who rag on someone just because they ask an amateur question or something like that. Calling someone a beginner is just calling it like it is, of course there is nothing wrong with that, I never implied there...
  3. F


    I have been reading quite a few posts in the last couple days and one thing I noticed is that there are tons and tons of posts where people are being called newbs and ragged on most the time simply because they ask a question that may or may not be common knowledge or sense. I do not know anyone...
  4. F

    first grow need help.

    You should be good. If you are still worried I would post pics every couple days and I am sure people will chime in. Next time tho I would germinate them til they have a tail then stick them down in the plugs.
  5. F

    Over watering

    Its all good man I completely understand.
  6. F

    Results of CFL vs HPS

    Yeah, my ballast does support it but I have spent so much already. It was only recently that I got the license to legally posses, smoke and grow. The same day I went out and got the 1000w HPS light, soil, rockwool, a 32 plant aeroponics system (I will only be used 30 sites), six fans, nutes, two...
  7. F

    Results of CFL vs HPS

    I got a few seeds and germinated then planted them. When they came up I put all but 2 under my 1000w HPS. The other two I put under 4 26w CFLs each giving them a little over 100w a piece. It has been about a month and the ones under the HPS are easily twice as large as the ones under the CFLs. I...
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    Update on plants with pics

    Plants are doing really well, seems they took to the transplant really well. There are a couple that have 2 or 3 small yellow spots on them, I dont know if its something I am doing wrong or something having to do with the transplant. Either way I dont see it being a big problem, hope to have...
  9. F

    Over watering

    "Of course you can overwater...wh at kind of a question is that? Some nutes are taken up easier as the rootzone dries out, its wet. Take 99.9 percent of peoples.advice and let the rootzone properly dry bwfor watering again." - Filthy Phil Yeah, I completely understand that they you can...
  10. F

    Over watering

    I have always been told that as long as you have adequate drainage that it is very hard to over water your plants. The other day however I was talking to a guy who said it is very easy to over water. I would love to hear some peoples opinions on the subject.
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    My Grow

    Yeah, I go barefoot 75% of the time or more and I had just come in from working in my garden outside so my feet were really dirty.
  12. F

    Problem with plant

    No I wouldnt say I am SURE that it is not over watered but I really dont think it is. Now this is only my third grow so i am by no means a pro at this. As for the perlite, all the plants are planted in the same soil so there should be about the same amount of perlite throughout the bag. It...
  13. F

    Problem with plant

    I transplanted this plant 7 days ago and now some of the edges are turning down and some of the leaves are crumpling for a lack of a better word. More info on the watering and other stuff including more pics are in my journal. As far as I know plants have been getting enough water and have not...
  14. F

    My Grow

    "That droopy one looks either over watered or under watered. Have you watered since the transplant? If not, Did you soak the soil straight after you did? Have you seen any new growth since the transplant?? Other than that they are lookin nice n healthy. 12/12 soon?" they have been watered, I...
  15. F

    My Grow

    These are most of my plants, the one that had bent over was standing tall when I checked on the plants this morning. Now I have another plant I am concerned about, I have noticed that since I transplanted the two that are in five gallon buckets, this particular one has been getting kinda droopy...
  16. F

    For all the newbs.....don't believe the hype!

    Very Well Said!
  17. F

    Paranoid to Order Seeds

    I was a little worried too the first time I ordered some seeds. I have gotten all mine from attitude and have been impressed with the results. For an extra 10 bucks they send the seeds in a t shirt which I guess kinda adds a bit of camouflage to the package instead of just getting seeds in...
  18. F

    first grow need help.

    I would go to a local hardware store or Walmart or something similar and get a cfl, it does not have to have alot of wattage as long as it it not going to be a long time before you get the proper light (you might even happen to have a cfl bulb sitting around the house). Make sure to put it above...
  19. F

    Super Lemon Haze--First Hydro Grow

    I like your posts man, I am in the beginning phase of a SLH grow and I am sure I will probably have to deal with some of the same stuff you have. I look forward to more of your posts.