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  1. J

    my first journal but its my eight crop!

    ur a faggot kid. u obviosly started growing becuase you had no friends and needed to keep yourself busy. ive seen your posts on a few other peoples threads and its never anything usefull or constructive. maybe eventually you will put two and two together and realize that you arent getting...
  2. J


    How much cfm do I need to properly cool a 150w HPS?? Are there any simple ways to light proof a fan exhaust?
  3. J

    Controlling humidity

    Aside from a dehumidifier, how can you control humidity in a microgrow? Are there simple/inexpensive ways to higher/lower it? Does the frequency of watering have anything to do with this?
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    I have a few questions about cloning, any input is appreciated. Can you clone in 24 hr light or do they need darkness to form roots??? Can plants root in 12-12? What effects would this have? Is it okay to give clones a very mild dose of nutes? Say 1/5 strength…
  5. J

    Combining Nutes

    I have the fox farms 3 pack and I was wondering how to combine dosages of different nutes when watering. For example, if I have one bottle and it says 2 tbsp per gallon and another that says 3 tbsp per gallon can I combine them both in the same gallon of water? Or am I supposed to mix each...
  6. J

    Growing in Soil

    I have a few questions about growing in soil. Is it beneficial to keep seedlings in a humidity dome like you do clones? Can pots have too much drainage? Anyone have experience with Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil? It was highly recommended but I’ve heard it can burn seedlings. Is there any...
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    Sexing Plants

    I am thinking about trying to get some mother plants going before the outdoor season starts so I can have clones for when the time comes. The way I see it there’s a few ways of going about this. I would like to try all of these eventually to find out which one results in pistils showing the...
  8. J

    Staggering Harvest vs. All at once

    When doing a perpetual style harvest, where you put some in and take some out periodically, is it possible to achieve the same results per plant as you would get by harvesting all the plants at once??? Basically what I am trying to say is… Will it hurt/help/not effect your yield per plant by...
  9. J

    Question About Privacy Rights

    ok lets say you buy a bunch of growing equiptment. not a shit ton, i mean like a single light, some ferts, soil, and peat pots It is my understanding that this in itself is not illegal. Using it to grow cannabis however, would be. What im wondering is if police can somehow use this...
  10. J

    The Best Diy Ez Walmart Carbon Filter for Micro Grows Zen Style

    Has anyone successfully used these carbon scrubbers with a computer fan and if so what cfm and size is your fan????
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    How long to flower

    Does the 8 week flowering time include the time it takes for the plants to show sex??? Basically are they generally done 8 weeks from when you switch to 12/12 or 8 weeks from when the plants show????
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    The Kings Experimental Grow - Or The Smallest Damn Grow Ever

    i hate when i hear people talking about suppercropping being the best way to grow. its not at all. it basically achieves the same results as LST but it damages the plant in doing so... your pretty much just hurting the plant when you do that. i know it can grow back stronger, but it takes a...
  13. J

    Good place to get PC Tower??

    where can i get one for less than 40 bux?
  14. J

    Smallest Budding Pot Plant

    thats awsome. its exactly how i want to grow. Just a ton of small plants like that in a small space. What strain were those plants?? and what were they grown under?
  15. J

    Smallest Budding Pot Plant

    fdd and gypsy bush how did you get your plants to be one whole budsicle like that?
  16. J

    Can i use soil thats been Frozen?

    I left some soil in my trunk and i forgot about it for awhile. Then i remembered and went to get it but it was frozen. Its hard as a brick... My question is.. Can i still use this if i bring it inside and let it defrost/get warm or is this soil completly ruined???
  17. J

    The hand test

    thats retarted, you need 50 posts to PM... heres nuimber one
  18. J

    General Questions

    What are some ways of controlling the humidity in a micro grow? Can plexiglass melt if used it as a heat shield with a 150 watt HPS? Is Ph 6.5 for aquariums okay to use with an MJ plant??? It says on the bottle it neutralizes chlorine and stabilizes ph to 6.5
  19. J

    Hooking up Multiple Fans

    Would I need multiple 12v adapters, so each fan gets its own? Could I use a 9v battery for each fan? If you hook up multiple fans to ONE 12v dc adapted does it divide it the total volts up between the fans or does it divide the total amperage? Or can I just use one power supply that hooks...