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  1. D

    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    propylene glycol (C3H8O2) boils at 188°C it will decompose around 250°C Now what is the idea behind the e cig ? for me and millions of others to kick the killer, tobacco ! looking on youtube you can see those huge quantities of vapor (mainly vg), WHY ?? i suppose it's like most things everyone...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    i went through a few years of wrapping coils with a fogger most of the time using Kanthal wire, fun cheap, easy to do low ohms, keeping in mind that standard e go type batteries won't work under 1.5 ohms so a better mod is required ! I stopped about a year ago as my nicotine craving was no...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    hi, i have used and still have the i clear 30 s and personally have not had any problems, but being a polycarbonate tank, it's susceptible to certain juices, such as hot cinnamon (health alerts on that one), i don't use such concentrates, do you ? but i am quite fond of flavour arts cinnamon...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    you might find this an interesting read
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    just a quick reply about bho, my main concern is the possibilité of polymerization, and is why i haven't really experimented with this kind of extraction, and yes pro tanks are not so good !! the nautilus however is another world, the i clear not a bad vape apart from the tank cracking with...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    sorry i didn't see your reply before my last post ! thank you for your answer, i have no time to reply in detail for the moment, WORK ! are there any lab results for this method ?
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    final words, i am not trying to discredit any of the extraction methods, only trying to state that a décarboxylation prior to other extraction methods could help the final product for electronic cigarettes with tank systems, i have been testing with an evic, protank 3, and for the last 2 months...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    ok so done the exeriment as suggested ! just to see the result ! after an hour the solution has started to separate, not sure what we have done different, whats more we are using labourity material !!! we get far better results using a homogenizer with a T-17 generator shaft ...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    Interesting links, but basically burning on a dry coil in a bowl ! the popjoe juice lol, people have been trying this since the e cigs came out, renowned for blocking and blowing the atomisers, the best method for this is homogeneous mixing and still not suitable for tank systems, as it...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    you are fast to react ! mr ganja after reading a few of your posts: i think the idea to encourage people to make bho is quite stupid, half the people have no idea as to what they are doing and most of them don't care about residues as long as they get high, measures should be taken to explain...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    what are you mixing ? if bho please explain more! if rso then yes i agree you will get a hit, can you explain your mixing technic, have you tried comparing standard combustion with vaping ? mixing rso with vg could be helped by using ethyl malto much the same as with pure tobacco absolute, and...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    Oh and yes RSO is decarboxylated by the heating prosses but not the same results have been achieved, the freezing is very important as a lot of the thc is locked in the cell walls the freezing and shaking breaks the walls helping to release more thc
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    Glycerin is an extremely polar molecule, to desolve thc in it would be like water in oïl, you would need to create clathrates around the thc, there is a possibiliy for homogeneous mixing but even then after time ? i think it would separate out. It appears to me that e cigs atomize rather...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    before i leave just to TROLL the only reason i came to this site was i saw "because this is REAL chemistry" seems to be american kitchen chemistry, Y'a rien de pire que l'ignorance vive la educacion Français.............
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    as you like all i can say is there is a significant difference,we have been working for many years tried may ways and nothing comperes to this method for the time being wish you well
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    si vous voulez en peut parler ma langue, greenghost vous êtes une pauvre con !!!!
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    chemist i am biochemist more to the point, the COOH group will be partially broken,the carboxylic acids will not be given sufficien heat to release the carbon atom, a splif after all burns over 900°c the method i mentioned has been tesed in laboratories around the world for medical research it...
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    ok no i am not trolling you !!! just trying to get my point accross and really a valid one at that
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    trolling ? not sure i undertand ?
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    vegetable glycerin tincture for tank system e-cig?

    what sources ? most that i have seen are fauls and misleading ! i am a chemist by profession, what can i say more, you could just say ignorance is bliss, a simple question would be why are there so many topics on this conversation ? if it was as easy as that why isn't there a vapourable hi...