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  1. xXxBaByImBlaZinxXx

    I Need Some Help.

    bongsmilie :fire: what fertilizers should i use because we have little fruit fly like bugs on our plants....?? what nutes should i use to make my yeild higher n just make the plants better...? n i was told using guano...(bat shit) is good for ur plants yes... no??? n we wanna switch to...
  2. xXxBaByImBlaZinxXx

    Just Started Growing....

    Hey i just started growing and i have ten plants growing right now that are about 5 inches tall n they are under 2 flour. right now caz i can't find a h.p.s or a m.h so0o0o does anyone kno where they are sold???:confused: i need to know a.s.a.p that way i can transplant them n get them under...
  3. xXxBaByImBlaZinxXx

    I need some help

    Hey i'm totally new at this growing thing... i got high the other day n it sounded like fun... so i got the main idea of germinate it then replant it but what kind of fertilizer should i use n how often should i use it, n i was also wonderin if u could explain the whole fan idea when growin... n...