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  1. autoguerilla

    60x60x140 250w HPS, Canna Terra Pro+, Auto Seeds Candy Kush

    Will it be okay in this pot? I don't know what the capacity is but it is quite wide Bearing in mind the plants max height is only around 50 to 80cm
  2. autoguerilla

    Auto Seeds Candy Kush! first grow

    Hey guys, this is my grow journal for the Candy Kush. Just about to try out some Canna nutes on them. Also bought some Advanced Biodiesel mass autoflowering which should be arriving in a day or so, I'll also be...
  3. autoguerilla

    60x60x140 250w HPS, Canna Terra Pro+, Auto Seeds Candy Kush

    so at the ripe old age of 18 days i've finally got canna terra vega and canna terra flores nutes! so am i right in thinking that i use a quarter of the suggested dose to 1litre of water? and will this one plant drink a litre?
  4. autoguerilla

    60x60x140 250w HPS, Canna Terra Pro+, Auto Seeds Candy Kush

    plants are at 17 days now, still haven't used any nutrients yet. temps running at around 26-28 celsius and 35-50% humidity
  5. autoguerilla

    60x60x140 250w HPS, Canna Terra Pro+, Auto Seeds Candy Kush

    It's only 60cm x 60cm closet sized really, light should cover 3/4 plants to sustain me and my girlfriend! Can you or anyone recommend canna nutes? For veg and flowering as I get a deal from the guy I know But will look to invest in fox farm in the future! Thanks!
  6. autoguerilla

    60x60x140 250w HPS, Canna Terra Pro+, Auto Seeds Candy Kush

    First grow and only got 1 out of 3 seeds from a pack of Auto Seeds Candy Kush from Herbies, and here she is! Gunna give everyone I grow a cheesy celebrity name that me and my girlfriend don't like, so this is named Miley Hyrus, 7 days old now. I guess my question really is what shall I do...
  7. autoguerilla

    Candy kush & bio blue diesel

    So still no sign of seedlings after 5days.... I scratched about in the soil for one as I assumed they wouldn't come out anyway but I found the seed taproot the same length as when planted and still white? Is this a bin job?
  8. autoguerilla

    Candy kush & bio blue diesel

    Controlling humidity alright-ish now, temps between 27 and 29, gonna buy a fan so air flow is better and miley hyrus seems to be growing but no sign from my other two seedlings in my propagator yet
  9. autoguerilla

    Candy kush & bio blue diesel

    Thanks dude, put a towel into the tray of water was thinking because of the increased surface area. Will keep this updated
  10. autoguerilla

    Candy kush & bio blue diesel

    Hey guys this is my first grow so thought I'd share my experience I'm using a 60x60x140 tent with a 250w hps and 4' inline fan with carbon filter attached I tried to germ 3 auto candy kush seeds and didnt have much success (down to my own impatience i think) and managed to get one out of it...
  11. autoguerilla

    Germination and propagators

    Worked a treat taproot out on 2 out of three
  12. autoguerilla

    Germination and propagators

    so, quick update (incase I'm doing it wrong) I have opted to try paper towel method again instead of seed into the soil and propagator, I've put Auto Blue Diesel seeds in between some moist paper towel, in a ziplock bag and into the propagator to sit on the heat mat. The other candy kush seeds...
  13. autoguerilla

    Germination and propagators

    Thanks mate, paper towels and glasses of water didn't help me much to be fair So what shall I do with the propagator? Literally put the seeds straight in no prep?
  14. autoguerilla

    Germination and propagators

    Just don't wanna mess up another lot of seeds is all mate! I tried wet paper towels and covered with a bowl in a dark kitchen cupboard and nothing, so soaked in water and I've planted two seeds out of 3 and 3 days later no sign. Must also state these are candy kush auto seeds but I have ordered...
  15. autoguerilla

    Germination and propagators

    Hi guys, I have this propagator I'm just wondering if you use a propagator what your technique is for good success rate? I haven't seemed to have much luck germing them in just water so could do with a little guidance! Thanks in advance
  16. autoguerilla

    Newbie from UK

    Also light placement once seed goes into the canna terra?
  17. autoguerilla

    are you afriad of old age / death?

    I don't fear dying as such, I guess I just fear never getting to see the people that moulded me and my life ever again. And when it comes to old age, you make the most of your situation and make yourself as old as you feel, not just the age of your body or years.
  18. autoguerilla

    Newbie from UK

    thanks guys, and thanks for feeding instructions! a local hydro shop suggested it as i was going to originally get plagron all mix will try to do a log of the grow to share some trial and error!
  19. autoguerilla

    Newbie from UK

    hey guys, new to the forum all though I've read countless numbers of forum post etc. that have been really helpful so far! I'm going to be growing Auto Seeds Candy Kush as this is my first grow using a 250w HPS and soil. The questions I have are what you guys think of growing it from seed to...