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    newbies calculate your wattage here! (vets enjoy some coast to coast am :P) I don't grow anymore since I'm at school now but I wrote this program to help out. It calculates your daily light cost, and does a bunch of other cool sh*t. simply: Open Bravo.exe input bulb wattage -> 100,400,600 or 1000 and hit enter...
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    4th week flowering . small buds? pics**

    LemonSkunk is a great strain, She swells up in the last 2 weeks, the buds get dense and sticky with lots of red hairs! The yield could be better but a good pheno will rival whitewidows tric production. Bag Appeal/Smell - A+ (stinky citrus scent) Yield - B (Dense Buds, Tall plant, Medium...
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    Aeroponic SoG

    Let me play the devils advocate for a min and say... Maybe he was talking about wet weight , which would be pretty easy with a setup like the one he claims to have.
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    why doesnt my plant have many hairs?

    I like what the frost did for your plant's color thou. very sexy
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    First grow - I think my plants need help?

    Honestly I don't know how many times I have said it. "DO NOT USE TIME RELEASE FERTILIZERS INDOORS"
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    3wks into flowering--Problems-- (slow growth rate, coloring, spots,curling)

    You are not supposed to use Super thrive during flowering. It say's so right on the bottle...:-?
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    Question about Sea Of Green??

    Yeah that would be fine, it's called Low stress training or LST if you wanted to get some more info on it. Some will say that doing it during flowering might not be the best idea due to the stress, but if you go slow and don't do anything too dramatic too quickly it's not going to hermi...
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    Question about Sea Of Green??

    Whether or not your plants will "bush out." depends allot more on light intensity ,light proximity to foliage & dark period temp's , As for pot size's I have seen 5ft plants grown in 1gallon pots , The main thing that you may notice is the smaller the pot size the thinner the stock/steam's...
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    Flowering for 54 days, estimated harvest?

    They look damn good . but the son agro hps bulb puts out around 56k lumens @ 430watt's. Just a thought cause you are using 480 watts which would cover both the 430 hps & the balace.
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    25 Days into flowering... How am I doin?

    Promix does not have the micro nutrients that are provided in ocean forest. So you will probably end up spending the extra 25$ on guano or nutes anyways. 00-
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    What can I put in my soil??

    Go to Class and leave your mom's garden alone 00-
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    chocolate bonsai bush

    You could produce the same effect by : Removing the Top of the plant (toping), twice in this case. followed by low stress training the new growth tips horizontal. **Think of a capital " Y " progressing into a " T " ** The most stress the plant goes through is the removal of half the nodes...
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    Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link

    The price is right , but it's going to give off tons more heat than an 150 watt ecogrow CFL which goes for about 20$ more with ballast and is good to go into n.american sockets.
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    Potential way to increase yeild?

    How plants grow in a spurt during the night It's quite abit of reading but the just of it is pretty much about plants utilizing dawn as a sort of alarm clock to start their daily growth spurt. Which made me wonder if turning on lower wattage. warmer spectrum lights for 2hrs or so then...
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    I'm voting for McCain....

    Only a fool would be able to look at inner city streets where school's, parks and residential homes are at such a close proximity , and try to claim that gun laws are not in need of reform... And as for the legalization issue let's see now... The goverment makes money off Marijuana not unlike...
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    Average hydro bill in Ontario

    Wondering what a 400w hid running 12/12 & 200watts of cfl's running 18/6 would cost roughly per month. I know prices are going to vary but just an average ball park figure. 40$ Canadian on top of the regular bill?