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    Do you always have smoke?

    hell no thats why i started growing, and because im broke so i cant buy it anyway
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    there is still no chance hes gonna decriminalize marijuana. I have a feeling states will make a big deal about how its their decision not the prez...
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    6 Week of flowering. Buds Growing slowly.

    it might just be the strain. mine are at 2 weeks flowering and they are as big if not bigger then that under flouro tubes.
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    molases? when why and how much

    just heard this form otehr people but... it gives them glucose, which is what they make during photosythensis, which is what the plants use to create buds. The idea is to make the buds fatter and denser. give it to them once a week and put like 2-3 tablespoons in a cup of water and heat it...
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    Mail Ganj

    i wouldnt try it, but if u do make sure you wrap it a bunch of times, then put it in a bag. And it also might be a good idea to put some activated carbon in there to get rid of smell (just put it in a stocking). Then put it in a stuffed animal. good luck
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    harvest time question

    i may run intot some time constraints as far as harvesting. As of now, the plants have been under 12/12 light for 1 week, but i may need to harvest them when they are about 6-7 weeks flowering. What, if any would be the concenquenses of harvesting the plants early. also, can anyone give me a...
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    What are the chances of that?

    mine have been vegging for 3 weeks. i tihnk i see some harid coming from the node area, could that possibly be signs of sex or just some random thing
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    has anyone ever done this?

    i really doubt it but at the very least i guess it would have somewhat of the same effect of molasses
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    Try To Explain Your Salvia Trip!!!

    i was real drunk and did 30x at the beach. all i remember is walls and other surfaces were sucking me in and i saw flashing lights and giraffes. I got real scared and ended up in some other room on the ground sweating like crazy. no lie i feel like a dumbass any time i tell someone
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    God bud

    i bet it gets you real high. it won the best indica at the cannabis cup
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    Floro-Tube Compendium

    wow. that took awhile i bet
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    2 plants, 1 pot

    i got two people for the 2 per pot and two aginst it...can someone break the tie
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    2 plants, 1 pot

    alright...i only have room for about 2 more pots so i guess 2 are gettin it. does anyone know if thats enough light for 6 plants
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    Help me out

    wizzonator. dont know much about it but it looks like it would work. google it
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    2 plants, 1 pot

    is it possible to have 2 plants in one pot. right now i have (4) 1 gal pots, each with 2 plants. They are 8 days old, growing under 4 40w flouro tubes. is this a really dumb idea, or could it work. i will have to keep them pretty short becasue of hieght restriction (under 3 feet), so i was...
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    lighting question

    you have no idea how much that helps me. here...have an e-blunt:leaf:
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    lighting question

    that sucks...i guess im buying some CFL's. any brand of those that are best
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    lighting question

    this might be a stupid question, but i have no idea. anyway...can you just put a metal halide or HPS bulb in a regular light bulb socket, or do u need a special thing. i am asking because i am trying to avoid buying an expensive HPS or MH lighting system. also, how much wattage should i look...
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    first time...need advice

    new question. it might be really dumb but i have no idea. can i just buy a HPS or metal halide bulb and then put it into a regular lightbulb socket. I am trying to avoid spending a bunch of money on a hood or fixture.