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  1. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    These were off a mate thats been breeding a few years they seem pretty nice though :) and I havent ordered my big order yet but I orded a couple autos, I want to set up a closet grow but im not 100% sure how to do the venting, can anyone help me out on this one?
  2. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    I already pulled the males bro and I ordered some seeds off herbies, but I recon it will be some nice smoke :)
  3. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Just though I would post an update for anyone still following, the girls are starting to bud up nicely, they smell starange though almost like coffee
  4. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    These are the seeds im going to order for next grow :)
  5. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Do you guys think I should leave a male to release some pollen for some good seeds?
  6. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah sweet man
  7. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah sweet I will just get some sort of flowering fert thats high in phosphorus and potassium
  8. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Would be an interesting experiment though, what nutes do you guys use for flowering?
  9. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    It is indeed, what fertz do you guys use for flowering? I read the NPK should be 10 30 10 what do youse use?
  10. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Thats fucked up lol I wouldnt do that either I dobt think lol
  11. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah I was thinking I should chuck them in ground, it doesnt get as much light as I would like but it still get a fair bit it was either put them in greenhouse or let them get eaten lol, im ordering a big greenhouse for next season aswell
  12. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    I only have 3 girls out of 16 left more and more have been eaten so I rescued the 3 I have and put them in the greenhouse away from them, I also orded some autos off herbies for a winter grow, has any of you guys done a winter grow with autos? Yeah man I recon they will take a bit to finish up...
  13. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Looking nice bro mine arent that far into flowering yet hopefully they finish up pretty soon tho these kangaroos could destroy my crop in a matter of days the cunts lol Next season will be heaps better than this one as I will have everything organised and hopefully I sort these roos out haha
  14. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Hey man I dont have any pics the latest ones are the ones on the page before hand. I will go up and do some maintenance on tuesasday and take some pics then. I cant see ur pics on here for some reason bro how big are ur girls? Have they started flowering yet man?
  15. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    There arent too many big ones the average size one is less than a metre but I have seen the big fuckers around aswell. I recon they could jump over the 1 metre high fence im just hoping they dont and im hoping my plants arent to far away from harvest as I dont want the roosnto be thinking it...
  16. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    They give me the fucking shits man haha. I read somewhere to sprinkle pepper around stems and around perimiter but I havent tried it yet lol
  17. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah man I put up about a 1metre fence around them hopefully that keeps them off my ladies. I just need to try find a bit stealthier way thats all
  18. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    I can only kill so many lol they are everywhere it would take me forever to kill them all lol. I built a fence but I will need to figure something out thats more stealthy for next year
  19. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Good and bad news. Bad news is the kangaroos got into my crop big time. They demolished one of my best plants and about 5 of the others. The good news is that some of my plants are starting to flower. Does anyone have any ideas to get rid of the kangaroos?
  20. Griggzy

    aussie outdoor guerilla grow 2013/14

    Yeah im hoping the flower very soon, ill post a update tuesday I recon man