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  1. Hoobostanky

    Marijuana Seeds

    I have ordered from Rhino six times. They ship to the US stealthy, don't charge extra like others and I've never had a problem. They guarantee their seeds and I've sometimes received extra treats. I highly recommend them, prices are fair, too.
  2. Hoobostanky

    cfl grow. GET SOME!

    You farted after eating three grilled cheese?
  3. Hoobostanky

    Cfl..........white russian

    Love your DIY light reflectors, turkey pans?
  4. Hoobostanky

    Cheap, effective light reflectors for CFL growing

    I have found a great source for cheap, aluminum-surfaced light reflectors. My local dollar store here in the Southwest sells the folding, automobile sun reflectors for a dollar. The reflectors have a curved, cut-out for the rear-view mirror; I overlap them to cover that up and line the walls...
  5. Hoobostanky

    Whats up riu?

    I've had great success with Rhino, actually I prefer them to others because of their prices. Much lower than most. I've placed five orders with them and have never been disappointed.
  6. Hoobostanky

    need a good idea please help

    Are you worried about them becoming top heavy because of wind and rain? Stake them or train them on cement wire. Plants are actually quite flexible.
  7. Hoobostanky

    Curing: jars versus tupperware

    I highly recommend mason jars. You can but a case of them at any grocery store for $10 dollars of less and the ability to see thru the glass if great to monitor the cure. I swear by them. I'll use plastic for short term. I've got grow from three-four years ago tucked away in computer paper boxes...
  8. Hoobostanky

    root spraying times

    I'm doing 15 on, 15 off. Use a timer that has short cycles. I couldn't find any at Lowe's or wallymart, ordered them online for $20 each. They have auto feature running off the timer or you can go continuous. If you need the info, let me know.
  9. Hoobostanky

    My girls...All grown up...

    You could try a water cure next time and drown those little bastards. Read up on water curing vs dry cure. Great for de-bugging, getting rid of chems and green.
  10. Hoobostanky

    Big Bud/White Rhino Grow - Aeroponics Grow

    Smart move. Platonic works for me, too. I live in
  11. Hoobostanky

    quick question ?? on seed germination

    thanks for your response!
  12. Hoobostanky

    My CFL indoor portable closet queen setup

    Total investment $200 US greenbacks, pieced together from Wallymart, the dollar store and Lowe's. Portable chrome laundry cart, on wheels. Waiting for seed germ to complete and away I go, wish me luck.
  13. Hoobostanky

    quick question ?? on seed germination

    I am growing under CFLs in a hydro-aero rubbermaid setup, not a drip, with 1.5 rockwool cubes in pellets. I'm confused as to how and when I transfer the critters into the rockwool. I am germinating seeds and they have started to crack open. When do I put them into the rockwool and how do I...
  14. Hoobostanky

    lowryder 2

    Here is what they will look like when they mature into big gurls.
  15. Hoobostanky

    Sub-Grow 2008

    This was my low ryder experiment in the back yard. So far three ladies are looking good. Clear trichomes, soon to be amber. Out of 10 seeds, 7 went male, three are precious cargo and smell good. :cry: I planted a ton of basil and a kaffir lime tree; regular and thai basil around them to...
  16. Hoobostanky

    My backyard Beauty

    Dig it up and move it while you have the chance! It looks like you have phone and cable boxes right next to your grow. Not good! It will get snatched or reported when the goodness comes.
  17. Hoobostanky

    need some help please!

    Those fan leaves are under the canopy. I have to agree with craca102, I think it's just natural. Mine kicked too. The fan leaves blocked from any sunlight croaked, but the plants are looking healthy. Wholesale yellowing and spotting would make me panic.
  18. Hoobostanky

    Name the lizard

    I'd name him Bubbles.